Why don't worgen get straight back option?

Can we get it please? Thanks.


Werewolves are hunchbacked. Always have been.

same reason as no tails.

So were orcs.

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There are tons of examples of orcs without a hunchback. Lotr is the first to come to mind.

The Joke <-----


Also who cares about LOTR orcs we are talking about Warcraft orcs. What next you going to bring up 40k Orks? Oh and they are all hunched over too. :wink:

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You’re missing my point entirely by focusing too much on being snarky.

Every werewolf is hunchbacked, and always has been. Not every orc is hunchbacked, it’s not a defining feature. That’s why straight backed orcs are okay, but not straight backed werewolves.

A werewolf without a hunch isn’t a werewolf, it’s a furry. We already have a furry race.

Horde bias

As one of only two Alliance races that are actually interesting to play, this should have been an option years ago. It’s not too late, Blizz.

It would be interesting but I think the run/walk animations would look very strange.

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No because they’re werewolves, not your fursuit fantasy. Go play vulpera

Because they’re filthy animals.