Why don't warlocks have any stun protection in PVP or let use use our health stones more than once in battle?

Why don’t warlocks have any stun protects? I mean we just get trained and stun until we are destroyed. They even changed the soul rot to shadow damage so one kick locks out of everything even our port. I think it is funny we don’t get stun protection or even a simple root. Why can we only use our health stone once in battle, thats pretty poor design. I wonder do they even look at the state of PVP for warlocks?

The one healthstone per battle thing I suspect is because other players can use them.

I think for the warlock it should be a 2 min CD. Allies it should be once per battle.

For stun protection I don’t think we get it because we already get silence/kick protection. We’d basically be able to go immune to everything is we had stun protection too. Well… most hard cc anyway, I guess sheep/fear/blind would still work

get out of combat and you get a cd reset have fun

No one else has that requirement on their self heals

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might as well not even bother, most arena matches don’t go more than 2 mins until the higher ratings.

If this is true, im switching to Night elf. Even though i love the confused look of Melee when I just port away (Void Elf Racial) after i’ve already used my port.

That gotta be the dumbest use of shadow melt i had ever seen

I always had this idea, a split talent node with Sweet Souls.

Refreshing Souls: Damage you take reduces the cooldown of Healthstone, based on the amount of damage taken, refreshing your ability to use it if the cooldown reaches 0 seconds.

Additionally, moving near an enemy’s corpse consumes their soul to reduce Healthstones cooldown by 1 sec.

It works similar to the Priests talent that reduces the cooldown on Desperate Prayer, with the difference being Healthstone still doesn’t cooldown on its own while in combat, but taking damage can let you use Healthstone sooner.

The secondary effect is to make up for Healthstone not cooldown in combat, AND to give us a bit of that Maldraxxus flavor we had in a way that still makes sense for Warlocks.