Why don't they just allow us to upgrade to 226 extremely slowly via Honor farming?

So make it hard for everybody else because bots.

Kinda like saying Honda civic has a high theft rate so everybody who has one should pay higher insurance. ( oh wait, they already do that )

yeah the bot argument doens’t make sense. they can just add a random BG mmr, so all bots will be dwelling at 700mmr elo hell

Because PvErs will be upset that they don’t feel special anymore.


That’s why I said they should increase the amount you get from a win in regular BGs. The 8 conquest per win is no incentive and honor is pointless with 197 gear.

The current rating system as is, and how it “correlates” to pve tiers, would work just fine if they simply capped ilvl in each bracket at whatever that bracket rewards.

So if you are a 226 Duelist, your gear is 226 at that ranking and in pve. But if you queue for a random bg which only rewards 200, you are capped at 200.

This allows gear and rating progression while maintaining a level playing field. It also synergizes well with pve and keeps the Weekly Chest relevant.

I don’t know of any downsides.

dayum 10k more wow.

Bring back templates

cause then u guys will complain again how a 140 ilvl cant beat 226 at 1200

there shouldn’t even be a 140 and a 226. THATS 86ilvls different. That’s practically like a level 60 vs a level 10

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A nice middle ground for the current system is to allow players to upgrade gear by 3 items levels every 100 rating (past 1400). And if you want to upgrade further than your current rating it’ll cost conquest instead of honor (since at some point conquest will become useless and allow players to catch up in item level later in the seasons) Yes, its easy to say "lets just get rid of the current system, but I feel like that’s the problem, is that, systems are constantly being thrown out but never worked on. I dunno those are just my thoughts :stuck_out_tongue:

Just pay for the service to boost. That is WoW PvP now.

This is a good idea.

This is like WOD, where you could earn BIS PvP Gear through unrated PvP, just slower than Rated PVP.

All PvP gear should be able to have its PVP ITEM LEVEL upgraded to the BIS ilvl of Conquest gear. You should be able to do it with conquest and honor, and it shouldn’t take too longer to reach a “viable” item level.

Alternatively: We could just go back to how gearing worked in WOD. Which was the best PvP gearing system we’ve ever had. The only issue was there needed to be a higher ilvl floor in batttlegrounds/arenas to compensate fresh 100s.