Why don't Tauren join the Alliance?

I wonder if the night elves and the Zandalari were in contact much before that. The Well made the night elves pretty much immortal, it wouldn’t surprise me if some of Azshara’s retinue had vague memories of a kinship.

Sure it is, as I said from the start. We can make reasonable inferences from it.

You’re claiming something you believe you’ve observed is true.


Sure, because she was done with conquest by then. Azshara let the rest of them live on the edges of what had been their empires after negotiating peace with the Zandalari since continuing to fight them was a waste of her time.

“Only the openly hostile troll nations drew the full attention of the elves. Small sporadic battles ignited between the two sides. On every occasion, the trolls buckled before the devastating magics of the night elves.”

I don’t know why you think driving the trolls out of their lands and claiming them is beyond her. She planned on exterminating them and everyone else on Azeroth later on anyway. Her moral character is very relevant in this situation.


I’m still very confused as to why you are defending Azshara and her Kaldorei empire. Cenarious and the wild gods did not like them.

“Azshara’s views on Hyjal were well known to Cenarius. With growing unease, he had watched the night elf empire expand. Year by year, he became increasingly frustrated with the hubris and thoughtless actions of the sorcerous Highborne.”

Regular night elves continued to honor the old ways until Azshara and her Highborne were overthrown at great cost. I would argue much of Azsharas powee was invested in controlling the night elves in some way, basically making them like her and excuse or rationalize everything she ordered.

“As time passes, the night elves began eschewing diplomacy and largely ignored Azeroth’s other cultures. Azsharas dogmatic beliefs regarding racial purity seeped into the night elves psyche, creating an atmosphere rife with xenophobia.”

Can’t really blame the night elves if she was mind controlling them so hard.


You can make declarative statements but that doesn’t change the facts. Your analogy has observable evidence, the topic of the conversation does not. It’s not evidence.

You have more than adequately demonstrated your lack of understanding of the conversation. It’s not about what I believe, it’s what is made clear by your own ineptitude.


Because your own source says the trolls were openly hostile. That is from Chronicle, which also says on the same page that Azshara was disinterested in conquest.

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That irrelevant. I am just saying what the lore says.

All life on Azeroth, that’s pretty well known. Space Satan was going to help her out with that one.

Both statement are declarative, ‘this is evidence’ or ‘this isn’t evidence’. The evidence at hand is that Trolls possessed that land and fought over it, this is factual. And we can draw conclusions from it.

It very much is about your belief and the claim regarding it. Your attempts to shy away from that are because you don’t want to back it up.


It isn’t irrelevant, Azshara is an absolute xenophobe.


Show me any evidence, that, prior to the War of the Ancients, Azshara had any intention to exterminate anyone. I’ll wait.

In the meantime, we know explicitly that Azshara was disinterested in conquest, which is explicitly why she made the deal with the Zandalari in the first place. If she intended to exterminate them, she would have just done so.

They Empire of Zul held that land. That doesn’t mean the land was settled.

You literally came in here and made a claim that people weren’t arguing things they were.

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Genocides don’t happen overnight. She had to build up support and control. Space Satan reaches out to her and now she has the ability to kill every other race at once, plus the low borne night elves. Remake Kalimdor into paradise with her new hubby to be.

It’s because she’s a night elf isn’t it? Why you are defending her? Even night elf Hitler gets a pass because night elf.


Seems pretty reasonable to think it was.

I came in asking Amadis a question. Then you (who I try to avoid) asked me ‘why does there have to be a good guy and bad guy here’. To which I said ‘I don’t think people are saying that’. I can’t prove people aren’t arguing about it unless you want me to quote fifty posts in their entirety, but you can prove people are with a relatively small quote of where people are in a conversation you’ve crowed about taking part in.


She’s a Naga, technically.

Show me any evidence that Azshara was planning this at the time she was dealing with the Zandalari.

You think 100% of Troll land was settled and cultivated?

And that is wrong. People are saying that. Because my stance isn’t that Troll displacement is unreasonable, my stance is that it’s unverifiable. Yet, they argue.

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So yes then, night elf Hitler gets a pass because night elf. That’s just great.

I can infer that was her eventual plan since she attempted to execute it.


So all the ambitions you have today have been ambitions you’ve had your entire life?

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Because they have been domesticated as cattle by the Horde.

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We’re talking about Azshara not me. The lady is a schemer, she has plans.

Why do you love night elf Hitler?

Not 100%, but I don’t think the entirety of land they lost was unsettled given the size. If you agree Troll displacement isn’t unreasonable, it doesn’t even sound like we disagree on much rather than what is the bar for canon.

Which is why I asked for a quote where someone says there must be good guys and bad guys.

What does that have to do with the necessity of a good and bad guy? Someone could think the situation is verifiable (I guess that’s what you mean by ‘they argue’) just because that’s what they think. I mean, I think someone could make the case the Night Elves were bad without those aspects. But I don’t think there’s a necessity for it, just what the situation is.


I don’t think it is unreasonable. I do, however, think it is the least reasonable of reasonable conclusions.

And I already told you. I have verbalized that I don’t think troll displacement is unreasonable, only that its not verifiably canon, and people argue that.

People want to draw the line as Nelves committing genocide as an objective truth, and every other interpretation is unreasonable. Even though we have more than enough evidence to suggest that its not even true.

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To each their own.

You keep repeating a statement when I’ve asked you how it relates.

That doesn’t mean they think there has to be good guys and bad guys. Just that they think there are in the given instance.