Why don't Tauren join the Alliance?

Orcs put Tauren interests before their own.

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I mean, not really. The Centaur were a threat to the orcs as well. A violent band of roaming marauders who hunt down other races to extinction is a threat to Orc existence as well. Especially if they planned to make their new home there.

And if we are going to make this a tic for tat thing. Night elf druids dedicate thousands of years of their lives to the service of the green Dragonflight and the Emerald Dream. Taught several races druidism. And saved the Gilneans from the fate of Undeath. So… Maybe just being resentful toward Night Elves because Blizzard has decided to guilt trip you for two years isn’t the right way to go. Especially when Nelf fans didn’t want the burning of teldrassil either.


No. Never said anything like that. But if the Alliance has issues with the Forsaken, they should also look to themselves. As the saying goes “if you treat someone as a monster, how can you blame them if they act like one”.

After all, if you stop and talk to them and find out what they are, you can’t kill them fast enought!

Just another way of blaming someone for something they never did. The idea that you can “inherit” sins is an important aspect of a lot of racism.

And the “first diplomacy” sending envoys to the Alliance seeking a alliance. That set the tone for human-Forsaken relationships. That is one reason Blizzard calls them “Forsaken”


You kinda did though.

They have… and what they saw was a zombie eating their brains, so…

They did that, and they were betrayed and murdered, so…

Play Warcraft 3. Why would the Alliance make an Alliance with someone who killed and ate the last person who did it?

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That is not how it happened, at all. Cairne mentioned to Thrall about the oracle, Thrall wanted more info and decided to help Cairne. So no, it was not a purely benevolent endeavor.

Also, when Baine lost Thunderbluff, Garrosh did nothing while Jaina and Anduin helped him retake his city.

There is alot we don’t know about it. There are PLENTY of things that could have happened to those envoys. Don’t forget both Stormwind and Undercity had forces that wanted to destroy them internally(Varimathas and Onyxia).

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No, they torture innocent people to get confessions.


People actually think that you know, that pointing out racism “makes you the racist.” Deflection at it’s finest.

Love your posts girl! Trolls are my favorite race in the game. I noticed all that stuff too.


I would say it would be racist if that was the only thing they were ever portayed as. And more importantly if the human/elves were always coded as perfect and good little people. As it is there are humans who were portrayed as monstrous, like Garithos and the Scarlet Crusade. Hell, the Scarlet as quite clearly coded as supremacist who think only the “pure” humans should live. Even the elves are not portrayed as “good or perfect”, hell, there arrogance and xenonophobic tenancies were always points of contention.

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It makes you racist if you look at this and ONLY see it as a matter of race. YOU look at characteristics of a race and attribute to Stereotypical characteristics of a real world race.

YES, the game does mirror certain racist perceptions of race in game, but it’s done to POINT OUT those Racist perceptions, such as your (incessant) reposting of the description of Vol’jin. It’s literally done to point out that the one’s doing the description (human) is viewing him from those same perceptions and judging him based on those prejudices.

My God, Blizzard is literally saying “Racism Exists” and you’re Screaming that it’s racist for them to do it.

I dunno if I’m misunderstanding what you mean here, but the description of his stench came from the perspective of the alliance player character in the quest text.

Edit: Oh wait, I thought you meant the text was supposedly a description offered by a human NPC delivering the quest.

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I would say the exceptions are just that, minor exceptions.

That’s giving Blizzard a lot more credit than I would.


What Envoy? When were they sent? Where were they sent? What was their names? What evidence do you have that anyone really was sent and this wasn’t just something Sylvanas told the Forsaken to manipulate them?

Even if they were sent, what makes you think they ever made it there? Who were they sent to? The closest Human settlement? The one literally fighting off the Scourge? It’s a well known fact that the Scourge weren’t JUST mindless zombies and used tricks and guile to get close to their victims.

And the Forsaken should of known this, yet they thought they could just walk into a Human town and be greeted like old friends? Were they just stupid?

That’s exactly what I said. (well, Human, Night Elf, Dwarf, etc)

And the quest text doesn’t dictate what the “player” thinks, only tells you what your character is thinking (sometimes.)

That’s what I meant when I called it the player character. :stuck_out_tongue:

Right and I was reiterating that

Except they are not exceptions. We have all of Kul Tiras filled with slavers, pirates, witches etc. We have the remnants of Alterac filled with brigands. We have the Defias, a group who may have a valid grudge against the monarchy but ultimately were using unjustifiable tactics.

We also Trollbane’s kid who killed his own father(no Frostmorne needed) to suceed him. The point of WoW is that no civilization was ever fully good.
(although there are nation are more interested in peace rather than wars of conquest)

These are all certainly depicted as minor exceptions. As compared to the majority of most human nations.

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We literally save most of Kul Tiras from itself with corruption rampant in three of the four major houses.

Stormwind’s countryside is filled with bandits not to mention at least half of Darkshire joining the Legion.

Alterac is an entire kingdom that ended up destroyed by the misdeeds of its ruling leaders. Lordearon was a country that even before the Third War was experiencing a decline to the point the Cult of the Damned was gaining power.

And if we want to talk about kingdoms destroy, the humans have lost just as much as the trolls with nearly all of the 7 kingdoms(and Theramore) being destroyed at one point or another.

And yet the common people of Kul Tiras are more or less average people.
There’s massive swaths of average peasants or guards/military in Stormwind regions.
Gilneas is more or less the same.
Dalaran doesn’t have many peasants, but mostly seemingly good mages.
Stromgarde and Lordaeron also seemed mostly good.

All these exceptions you point out exist, but are minor and dealt with.

Alterac is the only one depicted largely negatively for some time.

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Sounds like the same could be said of the Darkspear and now the Zandalari trolls. The Darkspear seem more interested in internal affairs than going to war.

The same could be said of the Zandalari(well at least now anyway especially witb Zul dead).

Of the supposed “indiginously coded” races, both the orcs and taurens are depicted as having plenty of “honorable”(although it is questionable as far as I am concerned) warriors and plenty of non-warrior just going about their business. Blizzard even made it a point to mention most didnt support Garrosh or Slyvanas.(if you want to talk about whitewashing I say we start with that)