Why don't Tauren join the Alliance?

I said it, people quote it, but I didn’t actually say it

You’re so intellectually dishonest, it’s not even worth my time anymore.

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I didn’t say it though.

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You denied plenty of stuff you said. Just stop being so dishonest.

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If I said it, quote it.

If you can’t, it is probably because I didn’t say it.


I can, I’m just not going to waste my time with you. You’re so dishonest, you’ll just deny it anyway.

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Did the book actually say that the information taken through magic torture actually saved any lives? I thought it was still all part of a wild goose chase that ended up nowhere for them until it was too late and Sylvanas broke the lich king helmet.


Alleria used her void magic to force the information from a mothers mind, with her kid watching the whole thing go down


So you can’t… Got it. Funny, I would think that would make you… What you might call


Wasn’t she able to catch up with the Dark Ranger she was pursuing?

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What part of I’m not wasting my time with you do you not understand?

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The part where you claim you can do it at all.

Besides, you are already wasting your time right now. So why would I believe you suddenly have value for how you spend your time?


What part are you failing to comprehend?

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This part

I can do this all day.

I’m more interested if Alleria felt any remorse. Sure, sometimes you have to do bad things for “the gReAtEr GoOd” but if you don’t even acknowledge the uglyness of your actions, you’re either bad or the story is.


I somehow doubt Alleria felt bad. This is the alliance we’re talking about. Everything they do is framed as being “For the greater good”

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This would be more telling.

A lot of the people here pretending to be so appalled by her actions, actually don’t have an issue with them as much as who did it.

It’s not about the torture, it’s that an Alliance member did it. Now every Horde fan is frothing at the mouth.

Hey, where is that quote?


Ugh, this wasn’t the answer I wanted to hear (I hate the book for making this justifiable) but I asked someone who read it and the answer is that Jaina passes along what she heard to Thrall, who alongside Baine fight back against Sira and Nathanos in Zandalar.

I don’t know if killing Bwonsamdi was ever possible in the first place (I think the implication was that it couldn’t have succeeded anyway), but Baine conks Sira on the head and takes her captive, and the horde ships her to Stormwind. That’s the only arrest made.

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Doesn’t Bwom toy around with Nathanos though? At least thats what I heard. I think Bwom knew he wasn’t in any real danger from Nathanos

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Tell me what else you heard. Actually, maybe prove it? If you are going to throw around claims about me, you should be able to prove it.

Casual reminder that they deny any canonical proof you provide them.