Why don't Tauren join the Alliance?

It’s an example of Night Elves being used to garner sympathy and make the people doing the attacking (or getting accused of it) look bad. Of being used, as you put it, “Damsels in Distress”. Again, I never said that Night Elves don’t get killed. Just that when they do, Blizzard makes a deal about how it’s terrible in a way they don’t do with many other races- namely trolls.

Wrathion’s adult human body is not his real body because he’s a dragon, not a human… And the Frostmane whelps weren’t fully grown either. They were half the size of adult models and ⅔ the size of the next smallest Frostmane model.

The amount of people actively RP’ing Night Elves isn’t the same as people playing Night Elves.RP’ers, to say nothing of those who are active in community discords, are already sliver of the population on RP servers. Night Elves remain an extremely popular race that Blizzard still releases stuff for.

As pointed out before, Blizzard brings all Night Elf stuff right back to the Kaldorei Empire/War of the Ancients and what Tyrande, Malfurion, Illidan, Azharara - and others who were living participants- did, how it impacted them, and how they reacted.

It is indeed part of the history of Highborne, but Lothemar, Liadrin, and Rommath didn’t personally grow up in Surumar. They didn’t serve in the Moon Guard. They didn’t visit to Black Rook Hold. They didn’t live under Azshara’s rule. They didn’t fight in the War of the Ancients. They only know of it through stories. For Night Elves, particularly the main Night Elf characters of the franchise, this was their actual life.

It’d be awesome if Blizzard expanded more on what Night Elves stuff to things that’ve happened since then, but all that stuff involving Tyrande, Malfurion, Illidan, Azshara, the War of the Ancients (or its repeats), the Kaldorei Empire, Cenarius, the Emerald Nightmare, Ysera, etc is absolutely Night Elf related content. Now whether it’s GOOD content or not is definitely up for debate, and I’m not going to argue with people who say it’s bad. I think plenty of it is bad too. But I will argue that it’s lore with a Night Elf focus.

Afterall, the main reason why so many people thought the Nightborne were coming to Alliance and why so many considered them going Horde to be a betrayal was because of their affiliation with Night Elves.

And, yes Void Elves are absolutely part of Blizzard’s clumsy attempt to pander to fans of Blood Elves- particularly those who wanted to play them on Alliance rather than on the Horde. I mean as far as many people are concerned, they’re still not enough like Blood/High Elves. And if Blizzard decided to have Void Elf content that’s all about Quel’thalas, Kaelthas, the Troll Wars, and Magister Umbric’s family, that’d totally double as Blood Elf content and pandering alongside High/Void Elves.

That was Turalyan’s initial response. He got over it pretty quick. The story vindicated Illidan in the end and through his actions, he earned the begrudging respect of the other heroes.

Yes, the events are many years apart. The Titans, from their point of view, state that Azshara (who I suppose interviewed her and received honest answers?) had no interest in conquest. Yet their accounts mention her expeditionary forces travelling into other lands before Trolls attack her. And the maps over the years show her empire expanding across others’ lands.

The fact that Trolls are repeatedly presented as being totally unreasonable and that this is as good a reason as any to genocide/displace them- and how Blizzard tries to whitewash it and justify it is kind of how this whole exchange began. Blizzards decides that what the Titans say is the unbiased truth.

For Night Elves to remain useful to Blizzard as damsels in distress and victims, they have to be regularly framed as being pretty/good/right. Because it’s harder to garner sympathy for a race that’s framed as just as flawed as any other, and even harder to do for a race regularly framed as being ugly/bad/wrong.

The OP discusses that, as well as the use of Night Elf suffering by Blizzard, for the sake of making us feel bad for them. You talk about them serving as ”Damsels in Distress”.

[“But it serves no purpose other than to say how sad and beaten Night Elves are and then they do nothing about it. I can understand the use of tragedy as a rallying point – but not when it leads to nothing. “

](To Writers: From a nelf fan)I agree that Night Elves are used by Blizzard in an attempt to try and frame what’s happening as very bad and they’re using the Night Elves as Damsels in Distress.

But for that to work, the narrative has to express concern about the fate of the Damsel or the individual being used. Using Damsels in Distress and treating death as a tragedy are narrative tools to define the victim, the villain, and spur the hero. You can’t do it if the narrative is indifferent or even supportive of their distress and suffering.

If a character’s suffering is constantly played up for tragedy and an attempt to invoke pity/pathos/heroics, it’s bad writing, but it’s not the narrative and writers hating the character.

I’ve liked your posts before too. Heck, I’ve agreed with some of those same points when you brought them up- like how Night Elves are damsels in distress and how their history should be expanded beyond just what happened during and in direct response to the Kaldorei Empire/War of the Ancients and the characters that experienced it. Or how Blizzard shouldn’t have the one society with the most matriarchal always being saved by dudebros.

But the post I liked also isn’t arguing that trolls aren’t ever used as vehicle for racist stereotypes. It’s not trying to argue that models half the size of adult models called whelps are adults.