Why don't players like timers?

Hey this is your supervisor. I need to you answer your phone. I have a project i need you to do thats due in 30 mins.


I remember your last bait thread, Jayden.

We should all know better now. :heart:

squints at the replies

Wait, is the timer some how keeping all these dungeons relevant for the whole expansion? How does that work?


I have zero issue for those who are good enough to push content to its limits. However, the mentality of GOGOGOGOGOGOGO!!! permeates everything. THAT is the issue.


Is this really that common? To date including legion and BfA, I can’t actively remember this in any notable way… and I was doing 15s in BfA =/ 10s now.

The timer is lazy. Instead of using design and concepts to make a thing harder, let’s just shave 10% off the time limit.

So lazy.


I want a timer in Torghast!

Yeah have at me!

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I would just have two modes where there’s no timer or timer. The no timer will have harder fights and the same affixes in dungeons as M+. The Timer will just be the regular M+.


Then your IT guy leaves the project because there’s no way we finish in time… And calls you a scrub.


Meh, hopefully the development teams looks at this and maybe brainstorms some ideas not to have only a timer in m+ …

But I mean one could argue that 99.9% of topics are bait threads

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Not an every run thing, but if we’re about to fail the timer (probably due to a lot of deaths and sloppiness) I’ve definitely seen people say that they’re done with the run since we won’t make it in time.

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…Interesting question.

I present you…GW2 dungeon…I mean fractal. No timer but hard as f***.


Mostly because I value my time, and even losing 30 minutes of my life is not fun after I’ve already lost 30 minutes trying to find the right group


Don’t like the go go go mentality

True but players leave immediately once timer fails.


I don’t , I’ve never run one.

The closest thing was that I ran a challenge mode dungeon or two with a guild group back in MoP and didn’t even really care for that which is one of the reasons I know that I would really dislike M+. The go,go,go situation in normal/heroic dungeons is bad enough even without the timer that I usually avoid those too.

My previous comment is not a complaint but an explanation, it just makes it so that Mythic + isn’t content for me and that’s fine.



Guess I’ve been lucky. I have certainly experienced abandoned runs, but usually because the timer has already expired and we’re still incapable of beating the boss. Most common on tyrannical weeks I find.

I don’t think I would mind the timers so much if people would stop bringing that gogogo mentality into all other dungeon content. Timewalking, Normal, Heroic, even while leveling people seem to think they have to rush through and beat some imagined timer it seems.


Because of the reward that is tied to the timer, which makes the timer even worst.

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You fail timer, you lose the 30 mins of the run, you lose the 30 mins of forming group, and you lose the 1hr of the previous key you upgraded, and you lose the 1hr from having to upgrade the key yet again after depletion

3 hours lost every time a key is depleted


This line of reasoning is very flawed lol.

WoW doesn’t force you to do anything, all your actions in game are your own choice.
The majority of players try to play m+ to make the timer, that is their choice because they want the loot/io score etc.

Players who don’t like the timer subsequently don’t feel welcome to apply to any groups.

Those who try to make their own likely struggle to find others of a similar mindset in the group finder, because ppl like them don’t bother with it anymore.

Tldr. Part of playerbase feels alienated by not wanting to participate in timed runs, so majority stop all together. Those that still try end up being grouped with players who care about making the timer and end up having bad experiences. Then the feedback loop continues.