It’s a ghost town compared to Elwynn and Dun Morogh. Why exactly is this?
Relics of Wakening is hands down the worst quest in all starting zones.
Darkshore is an excellent levelling zone compared to Westfall and Loch Modan, though.
I suspect it’s because the NE levelling continuum is so narrow and far removed from the other three Alliance races, that players get out of there ASAP to have some choice and play with other people.
1 of 4 races starts there so its normal theres only 25% of ppl playing there
Because Neldland sucks.
Silvanas was right to burn it.
It’s the only zone I level in. Love it.
Lots of people are there, stop stealing my Peacebloom and Silverleaf.
Darkshore is great. Teldrassil sucks. And other races cant really get there safely for the most part.
Human and dwarf starting zones are leet.
I agree, I go out of my way to get there asap on my non elf characters.
people wanna be mages and warlocks i guess
and level blacksmithing and stuff.
Teldrassil and Darkshore is a lot of running.
While Elwynn, Westfall, Redridge and Duskwood are all snuggled up together to one another.
Also Darkshore, its a bear every 12 sq feet zone.
It’s not too bad right now. Has been pretty easy to find groups on the 4 toons I’ve leveled through this zone.
If you wanna level a herbalist/skinner/alchemist/LW Teldrassil is great.
I do hate how the capital city is set up, one single solitary mailbox far out in the middle of the setting surrounded by a moat of water.
Did you know the 2nd leading cause of death in Teldrassil is falling damage. So many tall spires with long wraparound stair cases. Why are all the quest turn ins located in there.
No locks, mages and nelf rogues and warriors don’t have +5 to maces and swords. IMO the weapon skill isn’t part of the calculus in HC but it’s a hard habit to break.
I personally really enjoy starting in Teldrassil and “emerging” into the larger world at 12 or so.
worst place to lvl in and out of hc lol
It’s a pain in the neck to get there. Unless someone knows a better route, you’re running the gauntlet through Dun Morog, Loc Modan, and the Wetlands.
You could swim to the boat from Westfall I guess, but holy Murlocs, man.
There are at least two better methods.
The swim is easy and no danger from Westfall. I usually take my gnomes at level 5-6. If you run on land wherever you are able it’ll take you about 25 minutes. Turn on your favorite side entertainment and have at it.