They are “Night” Elves, or Kal’dorei, meaning “children of the stars”. They worship Elune, which is basically the moon. Nothing is more fitting than a crescent and a star on their flag to represent them. Why are they not using it?
One Elune. One Ummah. Mash’allah.
Because they dont wanna.
Their flag has a crescent moon and Teldrassil.
That banner predates Teldrassil. If it represents a World Tree it would be Nordrassil. Or maybe I’m thinking of the Nightborne banner. It’s early and I haven’t had my coffee yet…
Theres a country that utilises a star and crescent moon on their flag in the real world. Probs would lead to an out cry of people saying theyre offended or something if they used that.
I’m sure you can use a cross in video games, yet many European countries has a cross on their flag.
it’s a different circumstance since that symbol also has a particlar religious connotation which may not be received well
inshallah you mean well by this suggestion though
edit: I think the existing night elf symbol has enough moon symbollism
Same reason why they are not using a tree on fire on there flag too.
Yes, many countries have a moon and star(s) depicted on their flags, not all of them are Muslim though. This website lists 10 of them: www dot learnreligions dot com/crescent-moon-symbol-4122759
Bingo. Pretty sure OP knows this and wants to stir the pot though.
My reply to the O P was just a possible theory as to why and poking at how easily everyone gets offended about everything out of context these days. I know that theres heaps of flags out there with stars and crosses and the ones with crescent moons ( did not realise that it was specifically muslim, i just remembered seeing a flag with those symbols. Was not making reference to it because of muslims just to be clear). Was just suggesting If it too closely reflected something that represents a nation of peoples in the real world it may cause offence (sure that reason could be due to faith. Given that the fictional race involved here are pretty much what would be considered pagans that probably wouldnt go down overly well). Like from a marketing standpoint i would imagine theyd want to try to be careful with stuff like that as to not offend people. Not saying that it would, just is it worth the risk if it could, given how quickly people seem to be offended about something these days. That being said chances are it probably had nothing to do with any of that and the idea may have been pitched but the present design was chosen in preference for whatever reason. Maybe they just liked it better
For those that don’t already know what it looks like.
My thought is the devs may have borrowed from Tolkien the description of the banner of the White Tree of Gondor. The two are a bit similar to each other. h t t p s://
They are borrowing from the Moon Gold from the old days. In fact, if you look at most countries in the middle east, they have inspiration from that symbolism.