Why Don't I Understand "Dodge"?

I clearly need help from pet battle experts to explain what I’m missing. Why, when a PvP opponent has a pet that uses Dodge, do they manage to dodge two consecutive attacks from me, when the description says that it should only last 1 turn?? I just don’t understand. It makes no sense to me. Thank all of you for any assistance.

“Lasts 1 Round” means it stays active through the next round. So if opponent went first with Dodge, your attack this round will be rebuffed and same for the next round.



Increases your chance to dodge an attack by 100%.

Lasts 1 rounds.

That is, Dodge lasts until the end of the next round after it is cast.

IF AND ONLY IF your pet goes first, it will dodge two rounds of attacks.


Consider when your pet is slower, say 260 Speed against a 289 Speed pet:

Round 1
Opponent attacks, damages you
You Dodge

Round 2
Opponent attacks, misses because you are Dodging
You attack

Dodge was pretty much useless here. You did Dodge one attack, but also gave up the opportunity to make an attack.


Now consider when your pet is faster

Round 1
You Dodge
Opponent attacks, misses you because you are Dodging

Round 2
You attack
Opponent attacks, misses because you are Dodging

Now you have avoided two attacks over two rounds, while making one attack yourelf. A clear win!

Using a combination of Burrow and Dodge, a faster Rabbit can avoid 3 attacks out of 5.

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Thank you both for your great replies!! I thought it had to be something like that, but the description just sucks sooo much. Why don’t they just say “Lasts till end of next round”??

I mean, it clearly lasts more than I would consider 1 round to be.