My old guild quit during SoD heroic. We got to 7/10 then that night they all just said yeah we are done with wow and all left to play other games. After that i rarely logged in even unsubbed for a couple months. Only came back for 9.2 and even now i dont log in very often anymore. Like once a week for an hr or so
It no longer has any real interest for me beyond see the story.
I used to do the hard core bleeding edge stuff in Everquest. Did it for a little while on WoW, but as time when on it just got tedious and I was over it. That, and the player base changed.
Used to raid hardcore back in the day and stopped. No longer felt like I was having fun and the rewards weren’t justified for the time commitment.
I am more casual now while still tackling content that I get to choose on my schedule instead of the game feeling like a 2nd job. Pushing KSM every season and 1800 on my alts is my bread and butter for fun. Especially now you can get tier from both contents, it’s awesome. Don’t really have to touch raids at all now unless it’s for AOTC or jumping into my guild’s farm night on the weekend if I am free.
I like chasing milestones that are more achievable within myself or a small group vs a large group as well. Games are meant to be fun and I think sometimes people forget that. Of course there is folks who enjoy wiping 200+ times and building up the momentum for the killl…but honestly, it doesn’t hit the same compared to raiding in Vanilla/TBC/WOLTK
it all started in dragon soul lfr in cata where i lost a weapon to another person and decided investing my time just for someone else to get things wasn’t fun
i don’t pve unless im guaranteed something shiny for my time, like a mount
The attitudes of people in raids is why I quit doing it. So many want instant kills and act horribly in discord as well. There is no reason to put up with such bad behavior. BTW before you say your group is not like this. Listen to the way people interact during raids. Every group has that one guy that has a horrible attitude that goes unchecked. He is why your group doesn’t get anywhere.
I don’t like doing anything with other people unless I know I’m going to perform well.
I don’t like what it takes to “perform well” in current wow.
I don’t raid for a myriad of reasons.
- I don’t like other people.
- I don’t work well in team settings.
- I am too easily distracted and go AFK constantly without warning.
- I’m medicated 95% of the time and don’t always know what direction I’m headed.
- I don’t care about item level or legendaries or any of that nonsense.
- I can just look the cutscenes up on youtube.
- I don’t like challenging content.
- I refuse to interrupt.
- I’m not buying potions and food.
- I don’t want to encourage the devs to push more social content.
Life changes.
I was hired by the FAA in 2006 and they require you to sometimes work at night. I juggled raiding and working nights up until MoP launch then I gave it up. Plus, I lost a lot of motivation when my guild broke up and I really loved that guild, despite its minor drama.
Then in 2018 when I was no longer working nights I was diagnosed with cancer. I’m fine now but the toll of chemo and radiation is something I deal with to this day. I lost a lot of strength and I get tired easily. I would fall asleep in my chair before the raid ended.
And I’m not making a bunch of excuses, just saying what happened. I still find enjoyment in WoW by doing solo stuff. Mostly mount and mog farming. I’ve really fallen behind in SL because I don’t like this xpac.
When my guild died during TBC, so did my interest in raiding. Greed and envy wrecked a really good group of cool people.
Never really got over that.
I’ve raided since legion with just friends, before that I didn’t raid really since WOTLK… now that most of them left and don’t play anymore… I stopped after Denathrius, got our AOTC and that’s it… me and a few friends that are left that play are probably gonna find a guild for DF.
I’m socially awkward and not good at making friends, so I struggle when searching for a guild or ppl to play with.
I never did raid very much in this game. I used all my raiding energies in swtor later on. I really dont want to repeat that as i still believe that wow raiding is a bit more demanding…even with helpful addons and such.
I have enough normal life stress as it is. I dont want to be sitting at work worrying about placements and combat dance recitals in a video game. Ill just continue to be under geared and stress free.
I have a few reasons.
I don’t do anything in the game that I can’t instantly log out and go do something else. So no group content because I’m not gonna screw over other players.
I raided in classic and a combination of not finding it to be that fun to begin with along with a loot ninja episode involving the guild leader and raid leader I just said to myself this isn’t worth it.
And to some degree I’m a lazy player. I won’t do it half *** and since I’m just not interested in doing the research and putting in the effort I don’t participate.
I’m bad at the game, bad at communicating with other people and my schedule is way too inconsistent for raiding.
Also, literally everything about Sepulcher is lame as hell.
Was always a WPVPer/BGer.
Never been big on raiding. Tried it a bit. Just not me.
Now WPVP mostly dead and I am no fan of the level cap systems so chill with a friend or two toned down into 40s/50s brackets for fun.
Simple answers for me.
No time to commit to them.
No RL friends play WoW.
Current guild is dead, don’t feel like attempting to find a new one that is fun to play with plus no way I have the time to commit to any rules or things a new guild would want.
Not interested in getting on discord or doing any RL chatting with strangers.
People are jerks most of the time, and someone is always yelling, being rude or taking the GAME too serious.
At the end of the day I’m only ever bummed about missing current raids because of mounts I won’t be able to get later down the line, otherwise I couldn’t care less about better gear to run more raids, it’s pointless to me.
It takes too long. Trash mobs. Just remove them.
That’s such a good idea
I honestly just do not have the patience for raiding anymore. The last raid I actively participated in was Castle Nathria, and I did not enjoy pounding my head against a wall for hours only to get no loot for it if the guild decided to call. My guild asked me to step in for heroic Jailer their last two attempts and I did that easily enough, but I don’t think I could dedicate the time every single week while guildies come and go and progression is stalled by the new raiders. Much better to just mythic+.
Plus, you can’t upgrade raid gear. What the heck? Sure, Mythic + is comparable time investment as raiding is, but even if you fail a key, you’re guaranteed to progress as long as you finish the dungeon. If you fail a boss, you’ve just wasted your time.
Is that a good time though? Maybe in 2006 when I was a teenager, but now it’s just cringy.
This is very much me.
Plus my reflexes suck and I can’t move out of the bad stuff very well.