Why don’t more WoW players PvP?

You can actually kill someone in a CoD lobby.

Not so much in WoW if you come in fresh.


Agree the constant landslides have an exceedingly negative impact on participation

Because it sucks. Next question

I love to PvP, right now I’m having a fun time with PvE. This is something I appreciate about WoW, having two types of game content to jump in and out of whenever you want.

PVP is unbalanced when premades in elite gear can be allowed to queue for random unranked battlegrounds.


Possible explanations:

—More players are doing Solo Shuffle now instead of rated BGs and arenas, so they don’t need to find groups.

—PvP gear has a low PvE item level, so it is not a very attractive gearing method unless you are interested mainly in PvP.

—In all MMORPGs, there is typically a stronger interest in PvE content than PvP.

—In DF, PvP is currently very bursty and is a discouraging environment for players new to it that die within seconds.

—Many players hate constantly being targeted by loss-of-control effects.

—WoW currently has fewer active players than it used to, so there is going to be a smaller number of players looking for any kind of group.

Being an mmo has nothing to do with the scale of gear power. Actually your investment doesn’t matter at all, gear resets every couple months. It’s an “investment”? You lost all that time, and you got nothing, technically it’s a liability. You’re talking about playing other characters like walking across someone’s kitchen, like they personally trespassed against you. Evidence for what? Is the game pairing you with people who just rerolled and are backpedaling while you outgear them?

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They should add ranked 40’s and let solos que into it.

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WoW PVP has always struck me as poorly balanced, with too much grind to get geared, and too much time spent waiting between games. I could just play a MOBA or Valorant instead, and compete right away at whatever skill level I’m at.

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Because after 9 hours of dealing with people, I have zero interest in spending most of my leisure time with online sociopaths. I do enough to farm Marks when I want a transmog set. No more, no less.

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Because I find the knob to nice ratio to be way overbalanced towards knob.

There are better pvp games where you don’t have to grind for gear to play. Honestly. At least that’s my reason. Just get a bunch of headaches in wow pvp trying to gear up getting camped at spawn every season.

As interesting as that would be, it would also call for a ‘scorched earth’ policy when it comes to how classes work in general in pvp.

A LOT would have to change for this to come into fruition.

You are cringe.

Showing more of your intelligence i see. Come on now let us know more about how you are top 1% in shooters but can’t figure out counter in WoW cause it’s too hard. LOL, Thanks for the laughs child and for playing child, you are definitely entertaining in your stupidity and lies to no one who cares.

this expac its the easiest to gear and you really have no excuses . And everyone is at the same max ilvl either 437 or 450 max . i would argue pve is more complicated gearing wise to be able to get the right gear to preform well not to mention pve has more hoops to go thru then pvp .

Its a team issue when you are getting camped . it happens on both sides thats why its random bgs/epics . you can still be spawn camped in overwatch or whatever fps you play . Same thing .

Hmmm. It takes a whole ton of time to grind gear. The queue times are also horrible.

I can play overwatch, click all roles, and get a 2 minute queue with no gear grinding. Yes other games do it better. 45 min queues, getting into an unwinnable backfill and the long gearing and getting into premades that dominate… there was a reason I stopped pvping a long time ago lol. Sure its better now, but some of those issues are still there. In the casual space. Queing some random bgs into a comp with 3 geared healers vs a comp with no healers… Those healers are balanced around being in arena. So yea its like they have more players against you.

it takes me 1 -2 days tops ive geared 6+ alts already and i work part time , and i play other games

idk how many times i have to explain this to you . Its because mmos are different then fps games .

Well, part of it is DF PvP is just not fun. This is the first season I’ve pretty much quit PvP entirely, and it feels bad.

That’s sorta my point.