Why don’t more WoW players PvP?

One thing I’m curious is why random BG group finder is empty. I remember back in MoP and WoD there were random BG 5mans running all the time in Group Finder and oQueue before that. It was barely a premade, but at least you could get the team comp you wanted at the gear level you wanted.

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I hate when people need to put down a portion of the playerbase with such idiotic snide remarks.

Just because you’re not able to compete doesn’t mean other people don’t enjoy it.


I just dont enjoy it.

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PvP is horribly balanced, that’s why, uneven gear, skill and team counts. Literally just joined a match where our team had 6 and enemy 10, I mean Blizzard can’t even fill matches properly most of the time.

Example: Mages get nerfed (Mage Tuning Incoming - July 18) and it punishes PvP players for no reason.

Nah, as someone who only PvPs now, I’m with him on that.

Skill should outweigh gear. Otherwise we get what we have now: A complete lack of interest in pvp because it’s always a steamroll based on best gear. That’s killing casual pvp.

Sadly, it’s been my experience that a large portion of hardcore PvPers are either children, or mentally children. And this is because such people pull things like griefing that chase out everyone who isn’t just as childish as they are from the PvP scene.

Then they look around their Open World PvP server and wonder where everyone (read the victims) went, and why the PvE servers have thriving populations while the open world PvP servers have barely a handful of people on at any given moment. Then again, they don’t just ruin PvP servers.

Does anyone else remember the days of Aliance PvP guilds rampaging through the Horde starting zones and slaughtering all the venders, trainers, and anyone who made the mistake of using an aoe to fend off the PvE mobs that also got lead into the city, thus also got slaughtered? This would go on for HOURS, until a Horde guild with enough high level players could rally and chase them off, for a while. Hell, a few times such raids also were decimating Undercity too. There’s a reason why the Battle for Azeroth storyline has the Alliance as the badguys and aggressors. It was to reflect the fact the player base was acting that way.


Wonderful baseless wall of anecdotes from an equally childish individual.

-Griefers exist, yes, but they’re not different than the concentrated toxicity that remains in the PvE portion of WoW. The cantankerous remnants of WoW’s playerbase aren’t exactly a friendly bunch regardless of their preferred activity.

-Regarding open world servers, another baseless claim. I was on Emerald Dream from launch to Shadowlands. They had an exceptionally lively world pvp scene. It was a full server all that time. What killed it? Sharding and group finder issues. Blizzard’s inability to put more than minimal effort into things (Need to turn off warmode to join a group, but then have to port back to Orgrimmar to turn it back on)

-Yeah, I remember. Good times, it gave people a sense of comradery to come together and fight off the aggressors.

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They already did…Guild Wars 2

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Honestly would be perfect if it wasn’t for the whole “Downed” mechanic. Could never get into it.

LOL, calling me childish because I’ve noticed the trends which Open World PvP creates, and had to deal with the childish griefers in WoW (on non-pvp servers) and any other MMO that has open world PvP. Many of which don’t even have PvE servers? That’s kind of funny.

Have you ever played Age of Conan? I did, and still do on occasion. And while the PvE servers still have thriving populations, the PvP servers had their populations die as soon as paid server transfers became a thing. And that’s because 99% of the people on those servers fled to PvE servers to escape the constant griefing.

Ever play a game with mandatory open world PvP? Here is what always ends up happening. Griefers get to a decently high level, and then they start camping just outside the entrances to newbie towns. They do so in order to gank new players the second they leave the safety of town.

And you think it fostered a sense of community to have guilds come in and ensure new players for the opposing faction, which were suppose to be technically allies still, rampaging and ensuring new players couldn’t do anything? No, it never did that But I know for a fact it did chase off a plethora of new players and vets who were just trying to level an alt in a different class. And in fact, it nearly chased me off too.

It’s funny, but the “Hardcore PvP” crowd always think they are a majority, when they’ve always been a small yet community destroying minority in any game that supports them. “If they made an MMO that’s all PvP all the time, that would do so well” is a common claim. Fun fact, they have made MMOs that are all PvP all the time. And they’ve all failed because the hardcore PvPers in MMOs are a minority who chase off anyone else who might want to enjoy PvP on occasion.

There’s a reason why “opt in PvP” on a PvE server tends to do so much better then open world PvP usually does. And it’s the same reason why any PvP scene in a PvE centric MMO dies after a while. The irony is that you say PvP servers are thriving… in a thread which is very much talking about how both arena and battleground based PvP are basically dead in WoW.

Not played much Guild Wars 2. But I did play a LOT of Guild Wars. And engaged in it’s PvP quite extensively too. Funny thing, considering it’s PvP was entirely based on the skill of the PLAYERS and how well they could work as a team, the PvP scene dried up rather quick. Which is ironic since it’s exactly the sort of skill based PvP that people so often claim they want. Only for them to realize that a truly even playing field where player skill and coordination matters more then stats and gear isn’t their cup of tea.

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I want to have control of my character.


As Dio said, it’s not really that WoW specifically sucks, MMOs in general have bad PvP. Especially tab target MMOs though.

Yeah, I’m calling you childish. You don’t get to generalize an entire group of people and not get called out.

-Never played Age of Conan, don’t care.

-Comparing WoW with games built around griefing (Rust) is apples to potatoes. Don’t play those types of games though.

-You’re basing this on your alleged experience and your viewpoints. I happen to feel it fostered comradery. Pressure makes some people and relationships stronger. Others fold. Sorry if you fall into the latter category.

-Nobody thinks the “hardcore pvp crowd” is the majority here.

-I never said PvP servers are thriving, I stated I played on one that thrived until gameplay issues ruined it. From roughly… what, 05 to 2018, that’s quite a long lifespan. Given that there aren’t a lot of games to compare it to. Battlegrounds and arenas are still going, albeit this is the first expansion (and I’ve been here since '04) where queues aren’t instant. Doesn’t sound like they “rapidly failed” as you put it.

-Other PvP MMOs failed, you are correct. But so did an extraordinary amount of PvE MMOs that came out since WoW began. Unless you have data on the actual reason for failure, you’re spouting opinions. There’s just not an MMO out there capable of retaining a playerbase.

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Better reflexes than you
Better at games than you
Literally top 1% in any shooter i have ever played.
Im likely more intelligent than you as well, actually i am, anyone that says something like you just said is trying to look cool and hip when you’re in fact projecting.

Btw, nice account, not a single proper endgame FOS, i don’t even know why you’re trying to pose as someone who understands what skill in a videogame is.

I don’t paint all PvPers with the same brush. Never have, never will. Do people who majorly enjoy PvP in an mmo exist who are also in it for a challenge? Sure, they do. I’ve even met a few of them. Dueled more then a few back in the day too in WoW. The problem is, and always has been the “hardcore” PvP crowd. They are, by and large, griefers who are in it only for easy kills and inflated kill/death ratios. They might only make up a small portion of the PvP community, but it’s a very aggressive and in your face part of the community which does ruin things for everyone else.

Were all Alliance pvp guilds going on griefing raids in the Horde starting areas? No, they weren’t. There were probably only 3 or 4 guilds doing it as I recall. But those 3 or 4 guilds were flat out ruining the game for large portions of the player base.

Do the majority of PvP centric players in other MMOs grief? No, they don’t. However the ones who do grief are the very vocal and visible minority. Instead of having their duels and PvP castle sieges in areas set aside for it using systems intended for such, they go to low level areas and then go out of their way to ruin the game for new players.

In Age of Conan, as an example, there’s a low level area called White Sands Isle. This area is specifically for levels 14-19. At level 20 you get a quest which upon completion you’re booted to the main game world. If you ever leave White Sands at level 20 or higher, you can never return to the zone. With a level cap of 60, there were level 40+ griefers in White Sands. Meaning they never left the zone, and grinded xp at a rate of 1-20 xp per enemy for 39 or more levels since the highest level enemies in White Sands are level 19, I think. And XP gains drop off dramatically with each level above the enemy you have, to a limit of 1 xp per enemy.

Did many people do that? No, not really. Or at least not to that extent. Even most griefers get bored enough to find something else to do if it’ll take MONTHS to grind levels. Most griefers stopped at level 25 or 30, since by that point they easily out classed their favored prey of people just entering the zone for the first time. I know how long it takes because I ground a char to level 45 in White Sands with the express intention of hunting the over leveled griefers to protect newbies.

If someone’s the kind of person who has an Xbox gamer tag like XxXIkilljuxxi11ixxXiI1XXxxxXXX (because the x’s apparently break the gametag system and makes reporting them difficult) then cusses out others over voice chat and/or accuses them of hacking the game if the other player demonstrates even momentarily more skill? If someone’s the kind to power level then ensure low level players can’t actually play the game? Then damn right I’m going to call them childish.

By the same token, I’d consider the more hardcore raiders who get downright hostile if your build isn’t an absolutely ‘optimized’ cookie cutter with the most optimized rotation the raider thinks is ideal for every situation to also be childish in the extreme. Especially if they are then insisting that, for example, Shadowfang Keep (at level, normal difficulty, full party) requires just as much optimization and dictating what and how everyone else plays.

Yes, I encountered that too back in the day. The self entitled moron then tried to bully me and some guild mates into disbanding and joining HIS “top rated PvP and raiding” guild, which charged members $15 a month (paid to him via paypal on the 1st of every month). Oh, and members of his guild were expected to play at least 8 hours a day every day, 12 hours on weekends. No exceptions.

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This question seems to come up alot lately.

As for myself, you couldn’t pay me enough to PvP. I don’t PvP in any game, not just this one.

the reasons are many.

  1. People quit at the start because “eww, this bg” and leave, and then you maybe dont get backfills for the first 30-60 seconds of a match (or longer depending on time of day/week)
  2. I’ve seen matches where the first skirmish went less than ideally (clash in the middle of wsg, not starting out with 3 flags in AB, etc…) and then multiple people will either:
  • straight up leave (in which case you are down x number of people, then the match can snowball pretty bad unless you get backfill people in very quickly)
  • Just sit at the graveyard and spew vitriol the rest of the match “omg, so many noobs. I am SO much better than all of you because on my main i’m 2600+ in rbgs and/or arena” etc…
  • Just run around the map and make no effort to win because “the first 30 seconds went bad, so it’s an automatic loss” and just tell people to give up and not try
  1. team balance. If you end up with 25-50% of your team being fresh 70’s and/or without pvp gear, likely a rough game ahead. Same goes for comp. If your side has 0 heals, and the other has 2-4… ouch.
  2. running into premade group in the random queue. This one is a bit tough to really make heads or tails of. On the one hand, it isnt fun if you’re in a group of random people and you run into a coordinated, geared group and end up just getting curb stomped in the graveyard the whole match. On the other hand, people shouldn’t be penalized or deterred from making the effort to form a group and/or play with their friends or guildmates (as that option is available to literally any and everyone) and is kind of the point of an MMO
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And the child speaks lowdly. Thanks for playing, your tears of anger fuel my joy.

Showing it more and more with every post. Thanks for sharing you are the bestest player ever to play any game and top 1% in any shooter no one cares about.

You are showing the reality of small minds small thoughts with everything you post, please keep telling us more, everyone is having a good laugh at you.

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