Why don’t do you PvP?

This pally and my level 60 rogue got titles.

I stopped pvp except in the lowbies. At 120 it is a nightmare. The gear is a mess. The only way you can compete at 120 is to grind out M+ dungeons and the cloak - then go in and be un-killable except by someone else who has similar gear.

Bfa has been horrible for pvp. And considering this was suppose to be a battle expac - I don;t know what Blizz is even doing.

If Blizz wants players to go though the pain of being a doormat in pvp, then they need to put the pvp gear vendors back in the game. Give us who do pvp something to work for.

Make the gear comparable with the raid gear. Doesn’t have to be the best - but decent enough that in pvp you can hold your own wearing it.


This, so much this. Grinding out honor points to buy that certain item felt way better then this RNG on top of RNG now. I have not touched a causal BG since the Korrak’s revenge event. Heck even before that I was avoiding BGs because of this stupid new gearing system.


Jalen spitting truth, once again.
I PvP’d almost every time I logged on prior to Legion, and more frequently in WoD/MoP.
Now, all these changes?

Hella HELLA bad anxiety. I shake and my breath gets all uneven.

It’s ok I do it in PvE too, on tight progression kills =)

I think PvP is really bloated. I loved PvP during bc and wotlk when hp and stats weren’t so inflated.

PvP was literally all I wanted to do in this game since vanilla. I did all of it too, randoms, RBGs, arena of every kind, wPvP. Every season since the beginning, including playing at duelist/gladiator ratings since Cata when I actually push.

But BFA has pretty much ruined any enjoyment I get from PvP. The utter lack of balancing, the disgusting way that PvE gear has overrun PvP beginning in s2, which completely ruined the meta for the last 3 seasons. Even BFA s1 was pretty bad. As was Legion, if we’re comparing it to previous expansions.

It’s just sad that PvP has been on a downward slope since MoP ended, and it really accelerated downwards in BFA. They seem to have completely ignored it this entire expansion. Hopefully SL will bring it back… but I don’t have much faith in this dev team.

Also I developed really bad carpal tunnel and can’t really do competitive arena for very long even if it was good… so that sucks too.


I play the game to relax. PvP raises the intensity of the game well beyond that.

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Did you ever play bc or wotlk pvp? Lower hp doesnt mean anything lmao if they tune all the other stats correctly

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and you’re forgetting one thing resilience, bet this expansion doesn’t have it so it will damn near be like vanilla.

The PvP community.

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Because class design should be based on PvE, not nerfed because of its impact on Overwatch: Warcraft Edition. If you want to go around ganking people like a psychopath that should be your option, but it should never be “required” consideration, and should have its own separate place.

It really is so funny to see people say this.

  1. A lot of the time, the classes are actually balanced separately for both modes. An example are death knights.

  2. If a class is nerfed it’s always because of PvE. An example are priests.

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To me PvP is the least fun and most toxic part of the game. It’s just not fun at all.

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That’s a Wooosh.

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Lol what? You said we don’t give reasons (even though people have :joy:) but you haven’t given one actual reason why it’s good.

Riigghhhttt because PvP is doing so well right now lol… Legion-bfa had the lowest arena participation. Lower than wod did and it was a dead expansion. Sounds like people really enjoy it. Maybe you think it’s great because that’s what the blizzcon competitors are saying. Oh wait… They’re saying the opposite of that too…

So low participation and nobody saying it’s good, it must be your own experience that says otherwise. Oh wait you have zero PvP achieves so you don’t PvP at all. So a pver happy with the way things are. Yup the math adds up :roll_eyes:

Yup and it’s why PvP participation went off the deep end since legion. I’m sad the old forums are gone. I love quoting the guy who broke down all the math showing wod had a busier arena season in it’s deadest times than legion had in it’s busiest. Kinda sad what they did to us and then ignored for two expansions straight.

After grinding out rank 3 blood… can safely say I have no interest in pvping for a very long time. My only real experience with it is random bgs. Maybe rated is different. For randoms, it’s thoroughly unpleasant because no one communicates, people immediately give up at the very sign of loss, the completely lack of any kind of minimum requirement also is a major issue.

It doesn’t matter how well you know WSG for example, if you have 88k hp in an random you WILL be absolutely slaughtered instantly, even if you had 2 resto druids following you. Some frost dk can walk by and chains crit you for 175 k and delete you.

I like PVE content and hate PVP content. I am not really that competitive. I know that many people are competitive. The game is wide enough in scope for different kinds of players.

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Yup pretty much this. Pve and PvP are just so different that they’re going to attract different groups of people.

I wish blizzard would stop trying to force people to do the other side of content (ie blood of the enemy or busted pve trinkets). They don’t like it, they’re different types of gameplay. People who were going to do both don’t mind doing both, they don’t need to be forced. It doesn’t make sense for blizzard to make people hate the time playing the game. Actually no sense.

Because it’s gotten worse every expansion after Cata, and drastically worse after the pruning, and now without actual PvP gear and PvE gear+ Corruption being king. I also don’t raid anymore because of all the changes they made with raiding and all the different difficulties of the same raid, and dungeons really now too. They turned me casual, they did it. Now I just… keep leveling alts, and roleplaying.