Multi-dollar company.
My own slightly less tinny answer was they dun broke it when they made it a goal to merge all the low pop servers and never fixed it.
I can stand in a zone next to guildies with addons disabled and not all of them will appear when I do /who. It’s not a max-50 people limit either, because we were in an older, empty zone.
It’s definitely not an addon issue and it’s been going on longer than 9.0. There are many threads on this even in the bug forum, and I’ve posted there about this from time to time too. Would be nice if they could finally fix it.
Problem I am finding that even when I am rare hunting on an RP realm that is not linked to any other RP realm and find someone from the same faction literally right next to me in the same zone, /who does not report them.
So…I understand that this has been a problem since …I don’t know–probably the first time they merged servers together back in 200x, but it would really be nice to have this feature actually work and be functioning again.
Many people are looking for guilds to join and want to check who’s around, or if they see a guild add, want to check to see how many people are online when they’re usually around in that guild. And you can’t even do that now.
I understand I’m bumping a year-old thread, but there was one made back in 2020, and probably more besides that from earlier years. This is just the last one I could find, and I figure by this point, a lot of people have given up hope of this ever being fixed.
Please give us some form or functionality of this that actually works–even if it’s just the ability to look up guilds and see who’s online in them–or even how many people are online–if there are security concerns involved. And yes, I get I -could- contact someone from the guild and chat with them about their online times or whatever, but if I’m not actually going to join the guild once I’ve heard what they’ve had to say, I feel like I’ve wasted not only their time but my own, as well.
Worse is when you join a guild just to see how their times work with yours, end up having some good experiences a few times, and then everyone just disappears.
Being able to do these things easily and without having to trouble other people is part of what made the /who function in the past so useful.
But if you’re not going to have it work right at all, please just remove it. There’s no sense in having a command like this in the game if it isn’t actually performing any kind of functionality–and at this point, I think I can safely say–this isn’t working well, and sometimes, not at all.
Can confirm, /who is still completely broken, even on servers without CRZ or merges, or even sharding.
Suuuuuure would be nice if someone could fix that.
Its not worked much longer than that. It has been in it’s current state ever sunce phasing and sharding was introduced
What’s his name though?