It seems like 95% of the time, /who shows 0 results, despite there actually being results.
I got it to work once last week. I was unstoppable.
No one man should have all that power.
I noticed this the other day. Has it been broken for long?
“/who” without a specific target it will parse for a while.
Now if you /who guild name that comes up pretty quick.
What are you guys even talking about?
/who you can find out who’s in a zone or look up a roaster of a guild
Like a roaster chicken?
normal /who works fine for me, but shift clicking a person’s name in chat has a super low chance of actually giving me their info.
been that way for years.
Rooster is how you spell that
“/who” without any modifiers will just do the people closest to you physically. IIRC, /who also doesn’t show people from other servers. How many other characters around you are actually on your server?
wait is this how i kept on getting these dam guild invites and whispers while leveling even when no one was around me!?!
I’ve had this issue as well and thought it was just a weird bug. I also shift-click on some people’s names who are actively talking in chat and it has the same result…
Me too please!!
English is fun, isn’t it?
Yes. That is exactly how.
For Beaupeep and Wild.
Whoa, wait, why did you give us a chicken head?!?
… is this some weird voodoo thing?
Funny thing, that one is actually the chicken. The other one is the rooster.
I’m a lover not a speller