Why doesn't Blizz want people to play?

In what way? What is it you think I should be supporting that you think I’m not? I don’t do delves myself. I’m not opposed to their existence, but beyond being more content for people to do, I don’t have any sort of commitment to them.

I don’t think they report that to shareholders. The important numbers are things like MAU’s, which aren’t as specific and easy to interpret as specific game subscriber numbers.

Yeah, that sounds incredibly aggravating, especially for healers. I’m sorry to hear that. I’ve never engaged in much endgame such as raiding, but I’m always eternally grateful to healers in group because I don’t have the attention span, quite frankly. At the very least, they should make mechanics more healer-friendly, not less.

It’s not particularly a good move either to make any classes work in a way that they’re not wanted in endgame (for obvious reasons but also because, at this juncture, so many people have been playing long enough to be really attached to 1-3 classes). Class mechanics is actually one of my favorite bits of MMOs, so that sounds doubly bad to me.

From what I’ve seen and experienced throughout, people really enjoy unique class mechanics with flavor, but not to the point they want to sacrifice utility for that. It’s just not viable. It does seem to me that there were quite a few expansions where they could not figure out the balance between giving each class & spec flavor and watering them down so they all fit certain group dynamics. It’s sad to hear they’re still having that issue. I thought hero classes would be a good way to add more unique class flavor without sacrificing utility but obv that isn’t going to help much if they’re just throwing stuff in endgame to make things harder based on how successful players are. I’ve never understood why anyone thinks negative reinforcement works well in any facet of life.

I’ve known quite a few people just stop playing an xpac if their favorite class doesn’t work well anymore and hope the next one gives that class/spec more love. Not all of them come back to the game.

Even though I solo 99.9% of the time and group mechanics dont even affect me very much, I’d still prefer there to be variety so everyone can enjoy their play time, not just catering to soloers or to the people who want things to be impossible for most so they feel superior. Balance seems like something the game has struggled with for a very long time. Maybe I don’t know what I’m talking about since I don’t raid often and I never pvp but it really shouldn’t be all that difficult to balance classes, imo. And, in fact, the things you are saying are probably quite a bit of the reason I haven’t done mythics in…oh geez idk maybe since legion? bfa? a loooong time and very well may be a good portion of why I don’t have much interest in endgame when it’s current content

(my response was quite rambly and tangential and long with many edits - apologies - haven’t slept yet lol - thanks for the civil interaction and informing me about bits I don’t engage in much. I am truly sorry for your frustration with the game and I hope some of the issues get cleared up so you can enjoy those parts more.

Also, sincerely, I appreciate the fact it’s obvious that you actually care and you’re not just here to complain as a way to transfer frustration from irl things. The way you’ve been responding to people has been very much in good faith from what I’ve seen. That shouldn’t be surprising in a forum, but it is, so kudos)


I think the basic idea in principle is to encourage more teamwork by needing the team to work together to get through a dungeon. Perhaps they went a bit too far in a direction though. Pretty sure they weren’t happy with tanks being unstoppable dps gods in an instance.

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Maybe, just maybe you’re bad at the game.

99% of the playerbase fits the bill if that’s your assumption. Guess we should all quit because we can’t beat the artificial wall.

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Uh maybe because we are at end-of-season lull, which Blizzard anticipated and so dropped a new server restart in Classic? Duh.

Is it the difficulty people have issues with or all the hoops you have to leap thru to participate in the content you enjoy just to be let down because the fun is short lived or gated all together.

M+ is like standing in line for an hour to ride a rollercoaster that lasts 2 minutes, then the rollercoaster falls off the rails. People then criticize you because they assume you are a loser trying to cut the line when all you want is a ride that won’t leave you with medical bills and lasts longer than 2 minutes.


This is the single best summary of the current state of M+ I’ve read in months :clap:t2::clap:t2:


Stop pugging.

It’s really that simple.

Everyone outside of organized groups just stop doing M+. It’s not meant for you guys.



lol this is honestly the most accurate assessment of what my grouping experience has been like in WoW throughout and the reason why I am, at this point, a person who solos the grand majority of the time


you think you got it bad, in classic anniversary realms, i cant even run a friend/guildmate thru deadmines and let her loot a bop, like captain greenskin’s emberstone staff, because, if any point in the future, in or outside the dungeon, she gives me gold for any reason, it would be considered selling bops and is against the no gdkps rule and is bannable. so now my elderly guildie i was helping either cant give me gold or cant loot any bops in a dungeon carry.

has to be you misinterpreting the rules.