Why doesn't Blizz want people to play?

'cause we’re close to the end of Season 1 and people have probably gotten what they set out to do by now.

Both games are just standing and hitting, is there really that much of a difference?

So the issue isn’t that the thing you want doesn’t exist, it’s that something you don’t like does?

I’m reading it more like “the best stuff requires more than just showing up.”


you play wow just by logging in, game difficulty is not a barrier

your question would be more accurate if you were asking why doesn’t blizz want people to play mythic+, which is still not entirely accurate because as you said higher difficulty just lowers participation,

so to refine your question further what you really want to ask should be, “why doesn’t blizz want more people to play mythic+?”

i guess that is in the nature of the name mythic+, + implies an advanced or more involved game mode.

many games have advanced game modes that are more challenging, those are considered optional content for those LOOKING for a challenge.

based on that, i think making mythic+ more difficult if they think too many people are breezing past the content makes sense, why would you design hard challenge content in a game and make it easy to beat? WoW, like many other games, have different difficulty settings that’s entirely optional. you can pretty much play through the entire game without doing content that requires you to even do mechanics to succeed. Just like you’ve probably played through some console titles without beating it on the highest difficulty setting. You still played the game.

Now, games designed with no difficulty sliders while being extremely challenging to beat, those are the ones that intentionally lower participation.

I very much enjoy it being challenging; what I cant stand is its all so scripted in timegates and lockouts.

Go ahead, make it hard -please- but stop making me circumvent, or jump through 4 or 5 hoops and then hurry up and wait for a week over and over. Stop with the stupid valor caps, the mythic lockouts, the weekly gating on stuff like the ring, or gating me on crests so hard with alts. Basically stop getting in my way of playing. We’re at the point where instead of going ham over this holiday break time on the anniversay, raids, m+, alts, farming, crafting… All Ive done is raidlog a pug, on 1 toon.

That and make it so the community doesnt feel compelled to hyper focus on metas (that dont even matter outside of the absolute hardest content).

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As highlighted in the main post and numerous other responses through the thread, its more than M+. It’s their entire philosophy of game design and balance. Punishment and repulsion are far greater influences than teaching and progressing.

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Yup and thats bc theyve switched from caring about player engagement, to player retention. They dont care if youre having fun so long as youre resubbing next month. Thinking about a break? Heres a breadcrumb that conveniently takes 1.5 months of sub time to complete, better resub

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can you provide an example from a different title that illustrate this point?

from the top of my head i kinda think all games design ways to frustrate the players if they fail the proper inputs, because video games inherently have no point to them, so in order for players to feel gratification from completing game tasks they have to introduce a barrier that frustrates the player and impedes progression.

from your original post, i can see that you have a strong aversion to lowering numbers for balancing. for me though, numbers are just numbers, nerfing a class’s damage and buffing a boss’s HP at the end of the day is just making the fight longer or harder, it doesn’t really matter to me where the number is changed, at least not where they choose to adjust the numbers.

if class A is overperforming in this encounter they could either lower class A’s numbers, or they could buff every other class’s performance. Again, to me it matters very little where they adjust the values, numbers are just numbers at the end of the day, without relative comparison 10dmg or 1 million damage means nothing.

People got sick of Hello Kitty Adventure Island, because it was too super-duper-trivial and lacked challenging content; so thus came to WoW … And now they want WoW to be super-duper-trivial and express their hate for challenging content :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

There is an entire thread with numerous examples above if you would take the read through.

What I like does exist, and I’m playing it currently.

The basic design idea is not terrible. Create content, give it a bunch of difficulty levels, power gains from lower levels gradually make higher levels easier.

I think there’s a simpler problem, this season is just way, WAY too long. Speculation is now that season 2 won’t drop until the first week of March. Making this like a 22 week season?! That was immediately preceded by a ~2 week preseason? This may end up the longest season in the history of WoW?

Of course everyone is bored, at a point where there’s nothing left to work for except Myth track, unsubbing, etc.

To pull this off without losing a lot of people they needed to release some awesome midseason patches, but they didn’t - the midseason patches were so bad, they probably should have just scrapped them and launched S2 faster.

Oh well. This is the way of modern Blizzard

I still don’t see why players couldn’t be allowed to relive in the grind in the live servers. This would have exponentially better longevity and wider potential appeal.

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Almost like chromie time should have been an accelerated leveling OPTION for people who have attained a max level toon and made regular track levelling at a more regular pace (say, 10 levels per COMPLETED zone), so you can engage with, experience, and fall in love with the game and world the way we all got to levelling back in the day? (Andyouknowactuallygettointerractwithyournewabilitiesbeforebeingoverwhelmedwith100newskillsin2hoursofplaytime)

But again, why level through the world when you can just power grind timewalking dungeons with player x spamming their level 11 alt? Disincentivization


because the people running this company have 0 concept of middle ground , they are always one extreme to the other.


This whole war on tanks to make healers feel special is embarrassing.

Literally who asked for this.



I hate how crappy it is. I hate explaining how crappy it is. I hate when shills argue about it being crappy. I think I’m getting close to just being done.


It’s all about /played

As long as they can sell that to the shareholders, money continues to flow? idk, I could never understand why it was such a valuable metric compared to something like active subs.

Long term subs vs 2-3month subs. Who is more important? More of them than the longer term?

A lot of information none of us have. A lot of information missing, that none of us can justify, no matter the subject, no matter the actual information, no matter the cause.

That’s a major problem. Doesn’t work well for the 'TEH CUSTOMER MUST BE PASSIONATELY AND LOVINGLY WORSHIPPED IN EVERY POSSIBLE WAY" crowd, or the opposite.