If he really is a “priest” and not a paladin.
He should have a staff and a dress like Velen, not be covered head to toe in plate and using his father’s sword.
In b4 “lore characters aren’t bound to the same restrictions as players”… it’s simply the rule of cool. It makes no sense to have him act like a paladin and then claim he’s a priest because reasons.
He did! He was wearing a cloth robe prior to BFA, kinda preferred that legion model too current Anduin looks too bulky
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why don’t all male blood elf wear dresses? they’re so feminine
At this point he’s basically just a throwback to the original paladins who were priests that started learning how to fight
Hey, guess what?!
“lore characters aren’t bound to the same restrictions as players”

giggles and runs
I remember during WoD when every Alliance caster ran around in Stormwind guard armor. He just has access to better a plate looking mog.
He broke the game when he did a mass res while in combat. Now he has access to plate models as well.
These bugs seem way to much fun and useful for him to use we must punish him for it with a week long ban.
Why can a “priest” use a sword and wear plate armor? Blizzard broke my immersion.
Dresses are temple-wear. Priests in the field wear pants. That way you can run around handing out pamphlets without tripping.
Anduin > Varian simply because he’s more of a tactician, and not hack & slash like his father was.
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Pretty sure he just sent soldiers on a literal suicide mission.
There’s some truth to this. Whenever I go to mass, and it’s rare since I’m a part time Catholic, the priest wears robes within the church, and whenever he’s outside, he wears all black pants, and shirt.
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That was at the behest of that great military leader Genn Greymane., just saying.
Human potential, amirite?
I think Anduin needs to start growing a beard or at the very least a goatee.
Older Anduin looks good with a beard in the Warcraft comic Son of the Wolf.
They had to go through a ritual to become paladins. It wasn’t just that they “learned how to fight.”
Looking at that, all it makes me think is Tiffin banged Genn and Anduin is their love child.
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Maybe it’s just a really big dagger?

(…though I know it’s shalamayne)
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So basically you just don’t want the logical and reasonable answer then?
Because this is the logical and reasonable answer.
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