Why does wow feel so unrewarding?

Game just feels like I’m wasting my time anyone else feel this way? i love wow but get bored very fast nothing you do feels rewarding and worth your time


Because there’s no “Game Over” screen :frowning:


playing for rating feels fun.

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when everyone gets the easily obtainable trash rewards, nothing is cool or “worth” chasing anymore imo.

good thing we had cool stuff to earn in past xpacs


I think take break, touch grass or play another game for 2 day-5 years ish.

Then you’ll come back and enjoy again.

I took a 14 day nature vacay and suddenly WoW is the best thing when I came back.

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It is not supposed to be rewarding. You get temporary cookie and be happy! Because next season we take that cookie away!



have you tried actual endgame?

Mismatch of expectations probably.

This is a game. It’s for wasting time and not deal w/ the real world. In terms of the game you get what you sow. You dont do alot you get no reward.

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Playing for IO is fun.

Yeah playing for IO is reasonable, I find myself doing that. I actually cared more about my IO than I did converting stuff into Wyrm crests, I didn’t even know I was obtaining them.

Playing for IO has a better progression feeling to it, even though it takes weeks because the gear bumps are gated behind the Great Vault.
I wish the gear bumps were gated by RNG, like with Titanforging, but whatever, at least we can upgrade gear.
I wouldn’t be doing jack squat if the upgrade and crafting system weren’t implemented, I’d literally be grinding out Mythic 0 and normal raid, like at launch.

wiggles toes

You look like you have a classic case of sunk cost syndrome and don’t know how to step away.

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I wonder what wow looks like, what changes happened in the alternate timeline where people stopped playing a game they don’t like instead of feeding money every month to a company they also don’t like.

We’re bored, okay?!?!

I have some fun with it still, but not gonna lie it’s been a while since I think I had more than a hour or hour and a half play session.

I just hop on the character I’m leveling or doing whatever with and within 45 minutes to an hour I’m logging out for the night.

Take a break. /shrug.

I just set small goals. Finish it, start another goal.

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Because it is… imagine doing a raid, even outright having to carry extensively at your role, and losing to people who die early or probably just AFK. That is the life of a WoW raider. Also imagine running key after key and not seeing a single piece of loot. Yep, Blizzard’s team is scared of how boring the game is, so they extend grinds when possible.

This is why I don’t care about getting the best gear.