Why does the netherdrake have horns?

What I don’t like is they were lazy and just copy/pasted the wings and frame of the Highland Drake on this. The wings just don’t feel right imo. Give us the option to have the wings the old mounts had.


While the options are in the game files, they are currently not available yet. Whether this was intentional or a bug, it’s hard to say until we get confirmation.


I think I like the horns a bit better. Less “accidentally impales the rider”-y. Also gives them more space to move their heads around, just thinking about the functional applications of a head-crest with a spike, severely limits their range of motion.

To get to the other side

oh, netherdrakes! nuts that’s a rep i wanted to grind during this 50% bonus xp event, but forgot

Agreed they look terribly out of place on the Netherwing Drake along with the deformed head.

I think it looks great all around, though I am hoping that the customizations that were datamined actually happen.

tbh it looked more like a highland skin because its literally the same build,looks.
but i hope they add customization to this thing

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Personally, altogether for the ‘Dragonriding-Netherdrake’ - I would had rather a questline where we re-bonded with our Netherdrake friends to get one as a Dragonriding mount – Other than just some season pass reward yeeted @ us.

Extend the lore on the Netherwing flight - Yknow? … Although I sometimes forget that Blizzard don’t seem to give a fruitloop about lore for the most part since Shadowlands, so there’s that. :pensive: