Why does the netherdrake have horns?

Just seems silly. They have always had that head fin, not random horns.

The only ones that had horns were the pallet swapped dragons because they didn’t have a model for older drakes. Sad really.


Are dragons not allowed to be horny? They have needs too.


Probably because all the DR drake models can have horns too.


So lemmie get this straight…

1.) We can drop a meteor-like fireball from the sky (including indoors) on top of a fire elemental and somehow do boat loads of damage…

2.) We can kill a dragon equivalent to the Chrysler Building wearing nothing but a skirt, pumpkin head, and dual wielding floppy fish and some how kill it.

3.) A Gnome the same weight as an obese chihuahua can not only wield a sword as long as Texas, but swing it around acrobatically as if it were made of balsa wood and wet cardboard.

4.) Pandaren, in half-inch thick plate mail with the same density as a neutron star and with the legs of a Pembroke Corgi, can somehow outrun a runner’s body night elf in full leather.

And the one thing…THE ONE THING …that sets you off are whether or not a netherdrake has horns or a headfin?


Oi - weren’t you supposed to go provide proof to that other dragon and have a forum fite or something?

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It’s a dragonriding mount, why wouldn’t it have horns? :dracthyr_nod:


You finally get it.

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Do what? lol

Honestly I actually kinda agree. I just think that if “horns” need to be added to the model for the dragonriding customization, they need to just give us a horn option for “no horns”. It’s literally that simple. It already irks me that I can’t make my Highland Drake hornless yet and instead give it the classic Drake back of neck spikes!!!

I don’t want options taken away from people, just please give me more lol I should be able to make my new model drakes look as close to the og’s as possible if I want to right?


If the netherdrake has actual customizations like the other dragons I will recind this post. But I suspect it will just be a lazy skin for the highland drake.


They way the post was worded made it seem like a separate mount since they never mentioned the word “manuscript” as far as I’m aware unless I missed it. Fingers crossed it’s a separate mount!!!


Seeing horns on it made me excited we were gonna get customization for the old dragons, and they’d be able to be ridden as well.


Just one new netherdrake, with horns, that’s it.

It’s neat I guess, just not something nearly as exciting as I expected.

Disappointed by my own visions for something better, I guess that can be said for WoW as a whole.

IDK man… Looks like a crystaly horn to me. Not a fin. Its very shiny like a crystal horn would be, and also matches the breeding grounds we saw for the nethrdrake, which had crystals like that. It also doesnt match at all like any parts of the flesh we see on the rest of the drake. It matches with other solid crystal/claw/teeth objects we saw on other creatures/things made in that time period.
In this case, they just now have two horns.
EDIT: It also matches their teeth, which are also not fins.


It has a dragonriding saddle too which is really cool.

Wowhead did datamine a new customization category for the Trading Post, maybe it’s for the new drake.

That is what I was referring to. It is a shark fin. Yes it is a backwards horn(probably), but netherdrakes as a whole were stylized after sharks.


You’ll survive.

Well I won’t! >:(

cute coming from a winged lizard without horns. Trying to protect your ivory tower?

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Not that it looks all that intriguing, but it was funny to see in the blue post. Was even funnier when you didn’t respond to that poster. It’s just extra extra funny, because I couldn’t find where that poster made the comments you were accusing them of.

But, for the sake of forum lols, as requested - the “what” you referred to:


I like it with horns tho D:

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