Why does the Fury Warrior Class Sets have negative effects?

Why does the Fury Warrior Class Sets have negative effects?

I want to know why, with the same Winning Streak! buff, the Enhancement is effective for both gaining and removing it, but for Fury Warriors , it only has a meaningless remove


(2) Set Bonus: Your spells and abilities have a chance to activate a Winning Streak! increasing the damage of your Stormstrike, Crash Lightning, and Lava Lash by 5%, stacking up to 5 times. Spending Maelstrom Weapon has a 15% chance to remove Winning Streak!

(4) Set Bonus: When you gain a stack of Winning Streak!, the cooldown of Doom Winds is reduced by 2 seconds. When Winning Streak! is removed, the cooldown of Doom Winds is reduced by 1 second for each Maelstrom Weapon spent.


(2) Set: Your spells and abilities have a chance to activate a Winning Streak! increasing the damage of your Rampage by 2%, stacking up to 10 times. Rampage has a 15% chance to remove Winning Streak!

(4) Set: When you gain a stack of Winning Streak! you have an even chance to either cause your next Bloodthirst to deal 15% increased damage and have 25% increased chance to critically strike or cause your next Raging Blow to deal 15% increased damage and generate 2 additional Rage.

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I dont know what your problem is here.

They both function the same. Some thing you do gives you stacks. Stacks are good. Some other thing you do removes stacks, removing stacks does a thing for you. All of the melee set bonuses function the same way.

Not sure about the other melee bonus’, haven’t dug into em all. Warrior’s though is just worthless. We won’t even bother interacting with the bonus or negative.

There isn’t any drawback, and its just automatic. Your gonna interact with it, by doing your rotation exactly like you always did.

They are all pretty marginal dps increases at current tuning. The DH 2pc was so week it got a 300% increase before it went live on ptr.

Honestly they feel like they were designed by an intern who never played wow before a day in their life, during their lunch break, using chat gpt.

Yeah pretty much all the melee bonuses fall under this. The warrior one actually seems reasonably strong, but none of them seem to impact how you play. The ret paladin one giving you those short windows of free holy power is the only one I think at the moment.

I don’t think you can’t understand what I mean.

For Enhancement , both winning streaks and removing winning streaks provide bonuses. However, for Fury Warriors , removing winning streaks has no effect, which means you have to pray that the buffs aren’t removed during battle, and that seems quite ridiculous.

I would assume it depends on how fast you are able to stack Winning Streak. Enhance has a positive effect attached to removing Winning Streak possibly because it is intended for enh to build stacks slightly slower than fury?

Yours stacks to 10, ours stacks to 5, so it is my assumption that you have the ability to hit 10 quite fast so only gaining winning streak has the positive effect because you will always be proccing the 4 piece since you (potentially) gain Winning Streak faster? Whereas for enh we may proc slower and potentially lose stacks slower, meaning the positive effect is attached to both.

This is just a guess though I haven’t tested fury.

Thats not going to affect how ret plays at all. Rets spenders are not as strong as they once where.

Same deal with fury, spenders (rage dumps) are not as strong as builders.

And it seems they are bringing shaman in line with this design philosophy now. Nerfing maelstrom scaling, front loading the damage in to MW generators.