Why does shadow have so many 2 point talents?

Why? Is it necessary?

I look at specs like Destruction warlock and they have zero. ZERO 2 point talents in their spec tree.

It allows them to make meaningful changes by shifting even 1 point around. Why can’t shadow have that?


Its because we’re the only class that didnt get talents reworked in alpha and beta. No blue even talked to us for those 6 months.


You forgot to mention that our Hero Talents were designed backwards as well.

  • Archon takes Void Eruption

  • Voidweaver takes Dark Ascension

Literally makes no sense thematically.

Also, what the hell is with our Hero Talents shoehorning us into absolutely having to take specific abilities?

  • Shadow Voidweaver HAS to take Void Torrent to proc Entropic Rift
    – Discipline Voidweaver has Entropic Rift proc off of Mind Blast
  • Archon HAS to take Halo

Why not make Void Torrent baseline for Shadow and Halo baseline for all Priests? – Why are we shoehorned into Talents just to make a Hero ability work? – I’m not sure how many other classes are the same, but that just feels bad.