Why does my rogue randomly unstealth?

Does anyone else have this problem? I’m wandering around in stealth, nothing going on around me, no combat, and my rogue unstealths. I check my combat log, and see nothing.

Edit: I just died in world pvp, because my character randomly unstealthed twice in a row.


Outlaw rogues have a bugged pvp talent that passively breaks stealth of others around them.

I suspect there is more.

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Being anywhere near combat in a bg makes my assass rogue pop out of stealth.


Enveloping mist, power word: fort and several others break stealth when they’re freshly applied

It’s a bug and a big PITA. I’ve been trying to compile a list of buffs that do it. Shaman’s riptide used to do it but perhaps might’ve been squashed. For a while I thought druid roar was squashed several days ago, as it hadn’t happened to me in M+ where it was most prominent, but it got me in an RBG Sat. so apparently not entirely.

There are many more and it’s been bugged since 9.0.5. The “outlaw” and “near combat” and “random” are almost definitely all offshoots of this underlying “get buffed = stealth broken” bug.

Maybe there are bug-testing discords, etc. that’d be interested in extensively testing which buffs do and do not break it and under which conditions (m+ diff from rbg, arena, or open world for example)


yep same happening to me in raids, any buff, heal, etc. is knocking me out of stealth.


Happening primarily in m+ for me (maybe just where I notice it most). Can confirm that Fort buff, earth shield, battle shout, and some other rdruid/rsham heals break it. Really messes me up as assassination opening with Subterfuge, has also caused me to pull extra mobs by accident. I remember a similar bug with the invis pots at the beginning of the expansion, where passive buffs were breaking them for no reason. Hope it gets fixed sooner rather than later!

It’s cost me a few arena matches. >:T

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It’s just an unfortunate bug that’s plagued the class for like 10 or more years, unironically.

I don’t think the Devs or players are sure what’s causing it, sometimes you’ll go months without it happening then it’ll happen 5 times in a single BG lol.

I wonder if the Developers have even acknowledged the bug exists, I haven’t gone searching for any feedback from them but we see posts like this quite often with zero replies from Blizzard.


It’s been around long before 9.0.5, I recall it happening way back in Cataclysm and it was at it’s worst during Mists of Pandaria, it would happen a couple times each day. Although it’s much more rare now it’s still annoying when it gets you killed. :frowning:

I don’t recall any buffs breaking my stealth, I haven’t had Druid Roar, Riptide, Mists or Fort knock me out yet but I don’t doubt it happens.

you’ll just be stealthin’ around and your stealth will drop out of nowhere. Subterfuge can sometimes bug out and pull you out of stealth when it ends but this is very rare. It always happens slightly different so doing any trial and error testing is out of the question, it’s like the ability is haunted just trolling players lol.

I’ve seen some people claim Sharding is doing it but this doesn’t make any sense to me since this started long before Sharding was implemented and it’s not even used in BGs where it occurs most often.

At this point I honestly don’t expect it to ever get fixed, it’s quite rare and isn’t causing any wide spread problems for players so I doubt they will devote any Developers time to squash the bug.

It is still like this today its so annoying

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Why does my rogue randomly unstealth?

It’s by design.

It’s part of the design feature where so many things are RNG based. Stealth randomly breaking is meant to reenforce that concept.


I am seeing this, too. During Radiant Echoes I am getting knocked out of stealth every few seconds if I am within sight of players in combat, whether I’m PvP or not. I’ve never seen this happen to this extent before. It kinda makes stealth useless. I am also getting turned PVP somehow when I never attacked another player and haven’t used any AoE. I didn’t have this problem on my paladins during Radiant Echoes.



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niffin no sniffin’.

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My head cannon has explained this thusly: my character farts and looses stealth.


I still have this issue as an assassin rogue. I do have a new one as well. My mount has both flight types but only on my rogue. I can freely fly but still use the dragonflight controls. ← is not necessarily the issue. Only on my rogue do i randomly dismount like i took invisible damage. I just fall to my death. Might be related to stealth issue as it only happens on my rogue.