Why does my heart skip a beat?

Each time I see a night elf woman?

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/dances for Zigstur


It’s ok, mine does too.

This is the Tyrande I grew up on.


Warcraft 3 Night Elves were peak and didn’t hesitate to fight against both the Horde and Alliance.


It’s a natural biological reaction for Orcs. The Jailer planned for this, he wants Orcs and Night Elves to breed and populate Azeroth with mutant Orc/Elf abominations so he rewrote Orc genetic code to make Orc men disproportionately attracted to Night Elf women.

What the Jailer stands to gain? I do not know. Maybe he’s just into it.


She stole your breathe when she shadowmelded away…

I’ll see myself out

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If your heart palpitations are longer than a few minutes, especially if you feel tightness in your chest, call 911, that might be a heart attack.

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Draenei hoof to the face!

Heart murmur

I love the origins of the dance. Too lazy to look it up right now but I remember it was from a tv show or something?

WebMD says it’s cancer.

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Purple Orcs with long ears maybe? Idk… then there’s that idea floating about of tauren men being attracted by NE women… what that get us… purple cows?


It’s time we have the talk…


Y’all I actually had to go the hospital today and my heart might be abnormal :neutral_face:

its palpitations.

If you suspect you might have atrial fibrillation, please seek consultation from a medical professional.

Because you gave her all of your gold when she was dancing on a mailbox.

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