Why does my Blackrock Warsaber mount look way cooler than my cat form?

Why is there no armor for forms? Imo it looks awesome on the mount… just wish I could have it for my cat/bear forms as well… would really appreciate HellCat and Hellbear to at least provide some intimidation factor in spite of the fact that feral is weak af.


I recently discovered the Boomkin form updates that were added in 10.2 a couple days ago, and man they’re so good. Such vast improvements from the original form.
The issue? In 3-6 months time it’ll be old news.

But Druid form updates are sooo good. It does make me sad that after 20 years we don’t have a plethora of Druid customization.


Agreed. But the mechanism applied to the druid balance forms, the ability to “mix and match” elements like on the character customization screen, for dragon mounts, and for warlock pets makes me hopeful we will soon see the same ability to personalize our bear and cat forms.

If Bliz gave us the ability to “collect” different base forms (the way hunters collect pets) and then personalize them this way… we would see a huge variety of druid forms. Something properly reflecting the fantasy of a shape changer. And bring us close to the way other players can personalize their in battle appearance through transmogrification.

The system would have enough structure that it should be manageable to maintain, prune, and expand with new expansions. If those models had a field for “major color” and “minor color” as well, one that was player adjustable with an in game seasonal element (like a ‘hair dye’ alchemists brewed from insriptionist pigments)… even if the dye ‘faded’ between expansions… variety and diversity expression would be fantastic.

I think druid tier sets should have given form customization. If everyone else gets to see their tier in combat, why can’t the shapeshifted druid? Tree form would have been loved by more had it been customizable. Think if your tree had a Pepe nest.


Yes! Transmog was a real winner because it gave players the ability to determine their own appearance. You could collect and apply appearances for armor, weapons, tabbards, and (effectively) mounts to create the image for yourself you wanted to see in this huge fantasy world. Amazing win for everyone.

… except the orginal shapeshifters who always turned back into a vanilla bear or cat when they ran into battle (where we spend 90% of our time). And yea, we did get some new forms in legion and dragonflight (thank you for those!) but seriously–it’s not enough.

If we can build new cats in the wild every expansion and new hulking monsters, why not leverage at least the skins of a few, to have a tier set that gives druids at least one new form an expansion?

Pretty sure they’re working on showing some of our armor on our beast forms (they experimented in legion and again with Dracthyr) so I get bliz wants to keep the “skeleton” variations limited… but the colors, fur, and feathers, why not open up that faucet and let players better “be who you truly are”?

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I felt like a kid in a candy shop during Legion. Didn’t play cat, but I collected just about all of them.


I kind of feel like we need a spell called Adaptation where we can find any in-game bear, cat, or bird and cast the spell to adopt that form as our bear, cat, or flight form. Maybe we could do it with certain aquatic animals as well (like dolphins, turtles, and sharks).


That’s kind of what we did in DF with a restricted number of choices. I would love to have this feature. I think keeping it that open ended might create some challenges. Some of those creatures have skeletons that wouldn’t correspond to reactions or actions players may have to take in those forms.

Also, there is the battle field confusion argument when you’re fighting a heard of animals and one of your players has the same form. Although a tell tail glow might solve that problem.

I think these could be worked out. A druid glow and maybe a flag on creatures (or a lookup table on spell) to restrict it to forms with compatible skeletons. Could also must make the forms adaptable, but make them come over in a grey scale color. That druids could further embellish with a restricted number of hair colors brewed by alchemists from insciptionist pigments.

This would be awesome. More likely though we’ll see something along the structure of DF mount appearance configuration tools. Might see it coming in the rootland exploration (fingers crossed) where druids seem to be a major component.

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They’ll explicitly never let us be regular 1:1 animals because they want us to be immediately visually distinguishable from hunter pets. But I agree that there should definitely be some degree of customization we can learn or unlock from some kind of studying of the various types of animals throughout the world. The attunement thing they did in DF for the dreamtalons and dreamstags comes to mind.


The “but what about pvp” argument seems less weighty when pvp has devolved to pseudo automated add-ons doing most of the mental work for people. I’m sure there’s a handful of people who wouldn’t have the inevitable addon that auto targeted the actual druid among the random hunter pets, but that seems like a poor reason to deny way more druids interesting transmog options for forms.


Oh I’d love an octopus/kracken aquatic form. Figured with KT architecture / culture of sea faring folk they would have had one.


Octopus would be awesome. I want a wer-Shark tank form. Kinda disappointed that we didn’t get some of these aquatic druid forms for the Siren isles, but I think there’s enough indicators that Bliz is still playing with the idea of underwater realms.

Feral Pirahna form… that would give new meaning to ferocious bite!

Funny enough, we kind of had that mechanism in DF in the Emerald Dream. You had to ‘attune’ to the various creature options to get them unlocked.

So they have the tech, they just need to open it up-- I for one, would prefer a better bird option.


They seem to be experimenting with armor for non-standard forms. New sets are not the same standard five pieces. Dracthyr are showing belts and shoulders on their beast forms. Warlock pets (and a new dinasaur “mount” shape-shift) seem to be sporting armor fragments or even weapons.

Bear would look great with some shoulder armor. Maybe some of the new backs or gloves coming through also. Just enough to let four bears in the same raid express themselves but differently.

Would also be kool if you could set forms to match specs (like you can armor sets). Would be nice to have a different kitty form when I go feral spec than when I’m guardian.

I think they just didn’t know how. But with the system built for customizing dragon mounts, it might happen now. Would be great.

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