Why does Moonguard feel so empty?

To elaborate a bit, I am not talking about the main cities or RP zones. Obviously these are always full of players, and more than in any other server the main cities feel alive and full of people. I am mainly talking about the endgame leveling zones in TWW. WM on or WM off, you barely see anyone in the open world. Is a very stark difference to non RP server where you always see people out and about in the new zones, specially with WM off.

So what gives? why does it feel so empty. Do people just roll on this server to RP in the cities?

Kind of at that point in an expansion where people have already done the main zones. With warbands, there’s less of an incentive to do them all over again on alts, especially with the last few months having had accelerated levelling through dungeons (anniversary event, turbulent timeways); for people just wanting to get their alt army to 80 as fast as possible, that’s usually going to mean staying in a LFG queu.

So the world may seem dead largely due to the quality of life tradeoff with warbands


People tend to forget that this is a roleplaying game and that there is an entire world out there to explore and many different types of environment for it.

The problem is blizzard over the years has made this game all about endgame and rated pvp.

I got out in the world all the time and do stuff. It’s mostly empty and I travel to all of the continents and planets. Would love to run into more people when I go for drinks at dmf or at Gallywix Pleasure Palace. Or on the party boat in thousand needles.

If anyone wants to join me on my frequent pilgrimages to the dark portal you are welcome to join me. As long as you are horde…

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Feel free to drop by the July pool party the 4th. It’s usually at the Pleasure Palace, but with 11.1 introducing the Galaggio, there’s a location there I have staked out.

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I don’t know about this. I have been leveling my hunter in Stormrage and I see so many people everywhere in the new zones. Even with WM on I see several more people that I see with my druid in Moonguard WM off.

I have been trying to figure out why it feels so empty in Monguard, and according to some other posts it may be because of how the cross server sharding works. RP servers only cross servers with other RP servers. Makes sense to keep the integrity of RP. But this probably also means that there are much less players interconnected, since the majority of the playerbase plays on normal servers.

It’s a shame because the cities and general RP community seem so cool, but it is quite lonely outside of the main areas.


Lets be frank, most new players go where the action/attention is. And a percentage of senior players cannot operate without a crowd. You never see them roleplaying alone, or to the voices in their head.

Few people cling or attach themselves to areas especially those that are Out of Date to be precise.

Look at Outland, how many people would you likely see hanging out there? Do they still choose to live there or have they moved on to better and more prettier places?

Some places are cannon only for a specific time period. Look at WOD,since everything there would have been in the past and no-one lives there unless they live in a time loop.
Teldrassil burned, and darkshore is phased. Dalaran floating over Crystalsong was important during the Nexus War and against the Lich King. But now?

Now those areas would likely be forgotten.

Only an RP event using the skills of a mage to time travel in a sense would work. (Or through memories in a sort of dream travel.)

The world is empty because like an event, some areas serve for a quest but once completed the action of the story remains making the area useless.

A good example is Mount Hyjal. Besides the Tree’s valley itself, how many players would casually desire to stroll if the fighting remains in the Verdant Thicket. That is where the fire elementals and twilight cultists are continually fighting.

If blizzard were to make all areas have a phase situation where once the quests are completed the area becomes vacant, rebuilt, or restored then you could see more RP action. Alot more freedom for players to live and relate to certain places.

Only addons that have sucessfully integrated this concept in some of its story is Pandaria and Warlords for the most part.

Remember what Suramar city looked like before the demons appeared on the outskirts, when the shield initially just came down. There were people relaxing, playing hacky sac toss, or strolling the sidewalks, but now its a battlefield.

Demon Glyphs on the ground, Fel Crystals floating and the kirin tor/Kaldorei/Sin’dorei fighting the nightborne.

Even the Waining Cresent has nightborne circling waiting in line for arcwine or disturbed by the events. Now you have demons patrolling the streets.

Look at the Shadowlands.

What would the Temple of Purity look like in bastion once the Forsworn are defeated and the area is repurposed?

What would the Temple of Courage look like if the Maldraxxi left and the Kyrian were rebuilding?

What would Tirna Rowen, and Heartwood Grove look like if Ardenweald was recovering?

There are so few areas to RP in peace in some content. The only way to enjoy some RP is when events occur otherwise it feels out of place with new content.

Dalaran is destroyed so unless you are in a time-loop, you can’t RP there anymore.


Also, outside of Boralus and Stormwind, it’s a major pain to come and go to most zones, we didn’t even get a portal or even flight path to Gilneas when it was restored. If every city had a portal room like the SW/Boralus ones, we’d see MUCH MORE occupation of them.

As is most cities and zones not only don’t have portals to and from them, they have to be unlocked on every alt you want to RP on in most of them.

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Before I went F2P my playing habits were always the same.

  1. Resubscribe to WoW about a month before the new expansion dropped to play “catch up” on the story and old expansion.

  2. Get new expansion and play it until it just felt like everything stalled and all I was doing was paying $15 a month to do “busy work”.

  3. Unsubscribe once the game reached that point in the expansion and remain unsubscribed until a month before the new expansion dropped and then repeat the cycle.

I have a feeling that’s the way a large percentage of the player base has engaged in this franchise. Getting away from that cycle is one of the biggest reasons I now prefer playing WoW as a F2P.


Would assume that the expansion doesn’t make it appealing as much is going to be underground. That or the story isn’t interesting, give or take, the world rp is getting really small to not existent now.

Not saying guilds doesn’t do so depending on the guild, just in general.

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Current content phases/shards.

Anywhere in the Isles of Dorn if there’s more than a handful of people in an area, it creates a new shard.

That being said, I do usually see other people out when I go out to do stuff.


Because it’s practically impossible to find roleplay.
Put out an ad? Nobody is going to respond to it.
Reach out to someone in-game? Chances are, they’ll just ghost you.

It’s an RPG with an open world that’s constantly phased, an end-game that is focused on instances, and a roleplay community where no roleplay seems to ever happen (if it does, it’s gated off and hidden).

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Feel free to reach out, we’re always looking for more folks for events and whatnot, from seasonal to campaigns.

and world RP outside of current expansion stuff feels sorta weird and jarringly frozen in a very specific time, depending on where you go. Sometimes I find myself thinking, ‘wait, what’s actually supposed to be happening here now, according to whatever instanced version of the zone we’re on as well as the 2-3 mostly canon appendix books released in the last 5 years’?


This is one reason WoW players that have just started quit, they have no frame of reference in an RPG, which is like trying to live life as a new amnesiac, if no one comes along and helps guide you…well you’re plum out of luck and directionless.

I actually interviewed someone yesterday from the forums here, and they told me trying to get people to play it, the issue is they were thrown into late WoW’s story with zero buildup and just couldn’t get into it. And yeah, BFA onward and even legion or even as early as WoD demands you KNOW who the character are and what they’ve been through, otherwise it’s just a big ol ??? when someone says something and references a past event.

Which majorly impacts the actual…impact. For someone who played through Legion and Valsharah at least once, Ardenweald is an emotion jerking zones full of past references, but if someone HASN’T done many past expansions and just picks SL timewalking? It’s just uninspiring and confusing. Same with BFA or any other timewalking timeline one is thrown into outside of classic and sort of doing the expansions in order.

On the opposite side of this, the new tutorials assume you are ALWAYS new and haven’t done this before, which I find equally annoying, like a bad boss who thinks you have the attention span of a goldfish and must be told everything three times to really get it or remember it. There should be tons more flexibility in the WoW starting experience.

Heck not even JUST the starting experience, ever tried a new class and been utterly Emersed by a particular statement that doesn’t apply to your particular race/class? Try running SL as a Forsaken DK or DF as an Evoker, arguably those class’ lore specific expansions, and you will CONSISTENTLY run into dialogue aimed at you that makes no sense.

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To be honest, if you’re talking about TWW zones specifically, I’d chalk it up to the fact that RPers want hang out in zones they can RP in. Current expansion zones are the only zones that are sharded, and therefore are not conducive to RP unless you’re just RPing with your friends in a party.

So you’ll be hard pressed to find big social events going on in TWW zones. They’d be a nightmare to coordinate. And since the RP isn’t there, the players probably aren’t gonna be either a lot of the time. A lot of us, myself included, play this game for RP and don’t really bother toooo much with end-game content, especially this late in the season, unless it’s reaaally appealing to us. So why would we spend our downtime in a sharded TWW zone when we, on average, don’t tend to care as much about grinding out a higher ilvl?


I just did an event with like 25 people up at the Priory in Hallowfall.

In fact I do a lot of roleplay in Mereldar.

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i am sort of hiatus due to burnout from the way too long anniversary event.
busy in dragon age and marvel rivals atm. may come back for s2

That’s another big thing. while the anniversary event was warranted they keep putting in all of these “events,” and making people th inkg they have to do all of them. I have a quest item in my bags for an event that I do not want to do and they just keep sending me more. event hough I still have the item in my bag.

Everyone feels compelled to work on these events and they get burned out.

Yep, except places like Dalaran and Broken Isles. Valdrakken, and honestly quite a few others you have to be a certain level for… why do we lock so many good zones away where RP could be centralized?

Valdrakken and Boralus specifically are great for RP, but are highly limited by campaign and or story completion.

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My guild does the vast majority of our events in Hallowfall tbh! We use it frequently. But it’s only when we all coordinate and group up; the ability to RP casually with the broader community in current zones is very limited otherwise.

On a related note, I really wish they’d just give us a “RP mode” like war mode or something, that puts us all in one big Moon Guard RP phase where we can’t be sharded regardless of whether it’s a current zone or an old zone. If it lags it lags; you’re there to RP, so lag doesn’t matter that much. If you’re there to do something other than RP, you can swap out of RP mode and have no lag.

Something like this might also be useful for testing out a combination of RP realms… Like your “RP mode” puts you in a big RP phase that is shared with all other RP realms… but maybe that’s goin’ a little crazy, idk. People might not be ready for that yet hahahaha. I know MG/WrA animosity is still alive and well for some of the old guard, and some people have history on one realm that they have tried to leave behind by going to a new one.

Personally, I think the benefits toward the vast majority of the server would outweigh the personal drawbacks that a portion of people would experience. But that’s just me!