People should have been wizer and consider that wod was a bad lore expansion and should have done as if it dod not happen. That expac nearly killed wow.
I would say, thats not even the actual issue, that people have many versions of the artefact its gameplay thing, the problem imo is to have given said legendary weapons to players and you can see just now why it was a mistakes : Look how, back before Legion, people were excited about Ashbringer, it was an iconic weapon and legendary and peoples were excited about it : Now…who cares? Since Legion ended the weapon is not even mentioned in much threads anymore, the weapon just lost its “Legendary” aura.
Same with Doomhammer, it was Thrall’s weapon, now people want Thrall to have it back, but its in the hands of the players now…and the weapon is still refered by players as “the legendary weapon of Orgrim and Thrall” the player is totally not relevant here.
You get what want to say? Its why i hate Legion, and its only one of the points of why i hate Legion (another point is well…the legion, because the legion in legion is a joke, like you literlaly kill high ranking member of the legion as soon as you get your frist artefact, so bascially the very frist quests…)
I mean, do you imagne if you read Lotr book and you had like “Ganalf used a spell, and that spell hit all the orcs in a radius of 10y!” i dont feel like i read a novel here, but more like a game manual…
Oh but i never said that, i just said that, we should not think of classes in a “lore basis” but more a gameplay one.
I think we sadly did not understand each other on that part, i did not want to say “lore of classes dont really matter so classes can be to any races” i more wanted to say, that we should get out of the “shaklces” of wow classes and stop thinking that for example x or y character is x or y classes because it used x or y spell.
Its not even about being honorable or culturally accepted, its not even about that really : its about having lore explainations : like do you know the lore behind tauren mages? Well me neither because they did not bother giving any…
And even more terrible is : the only tauren mages they actually introduced you to was Kirin Tor tauren mages as if the turens were not able to have their own cultural mages…and that tauren mages end up being in purple human robes…thats how bad it is.
And by the way, there is a big opposition to “cultural diversity” = confirmism, and the problem is, that the approach to introducing new classes to races is made with a conformism pov…