Why does Innervate pull Ferals out of Cat Form?

TF isn’t always going to be off CD when you want to innervate, nor should you have to time your utility spells perfectly.

And yes correct on the 2 abilities would cause 2 globals - 100% my point lol. No other spec has a “form” to be pulled out of to use something like Innervate. Boomie as an example does not come out of moonkin form, a shaman doesn’t need to change forms to use a totem, etc.

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Yeah I don’t get it Dev, plz explain why

No feral druid would spec innervate in pvp, lol

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You’re right.
It doesn’t make sense.
There’s no good reason why feral can’t cast any of their utility in cat form. It’s not fair and I wish they would address it.

That being said…. There are ways around it, and in the grand scheme in things, it’s inconsequential. You don’t loose on much dps, as we’re an energy class and often go manly globals without pressing an attack.

Unless you’re some bumbling Buffon who clicks their spells, Having to cast inervate on your healer is inconsequential to your damage.

You’re not locked out of using your kick. Let’s go ahead and put that blatant lie to bed.

Just hyperbole.

It’s not worth it in pve either.
So many wasted and useless talent points required. Hard pass.

Even if this change comes…. I’ll continue not using it.

It’s still that way…it only causes 2 globals…just like every other class and spec using 2 different abilities…

But it doesn’t even use a global so I’m not sure what your main issue is.

A hunter can hit misdirect and then use kill command, there is no extra GCD to return back to your standard rotation. There is with Feral, and only Feral, no other spec has to spend a GCD to return back to their normal rotation after using an ability.

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Not even going to respond to your other nonesense remarks, but glad you agree. The spec is clunky when things function this way – it’s why they moved remove corruption to castable in form during BFA. People were clamoring the same thing and innervate is the exact same issue - same as Brez.

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Cause you know I’m right.

Skull bash isn’t on the gcd.
You made up lies to advance your argument.

I’m all for making changes to advance the class. But if you’re going to come in here crying like the sky is falling over a non issue, we’re going to laugh at you.

lol you’re wrong and obviously trolling just because.

Skull bash 100% is not always off the GCD. If you shapeshift out of form to cast innervate (edit: or anything) and do not have TF or Zerk up you have to spend another global to get back into cat to kick. This is 100% a fact and nothing you’ve said disputes that, you’re simply relying upon the fact that two other abilities that have a CD (and might not always be up) can snap you back to cat if you need.

No lies were made up as I pointed those two things out above in my very 1st response to kick and the GCD, but you failed to read and cherry picked.

If you still disagree, I’d love to know how you’re able to cast innervate (or any other instnat spell that pulls you out of cat) and then kick immediately after casting that spell (outside of using TF or Zerk to snap you back in). Please explain either A) how that’s a lie? or B) how this is good design philosophy for a spec (since this is my original question raised)

You’re only here to troll based on what im seeing since you are cherry picking things to try and correct me on but failing.

Wrong. Can macro cat form and kick to the same macro. It’s off the GCD.

The price we pay for being able to turn into awesome animals.

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This is wrong, please go ahead and try this, you can submit a video of it working but this is long proven to not work. Here is how it works:

  • Player is in Cat Form.
  • Player casts innervate (or you can simply shapeshift out of form too for demo purposes)
  • Casting innervate incurs a GCD (so does simply shapeshifting out of cat form)
  • now cat form is on a GCD because you came out of cat. There is no way to avoid this GCD and get back into cat to kick, you have to wait this full GCD to use your kick. The only way to avoid this GCD is if you use Tigers Fury or Beserk to snapshot yourself back into cat instantly.

(edit: please note, if you are testing this with simply unshapeshifting and not using innervate or another ability to pull you out, then technically bear form is not on GCD from shapeshifting to caster and you can shift into bear while cat is on GCD to kick … If you use innervate, or any other ability, it incurs a GCD on ALL forms so this doesn’t work)

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Innervate pops you out of cat form.
Incur singular global
Cat form + kick instantly
Incur second global
.75 seconds between casting Innervate and being able to kick

1 global, 3 abilities

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Lol. I was gonna reply but I’m too busy at work.

Grizzle nailed it.

Lol. No

More like.

This incurs 1 global inbetween- like you pointed out - so you’re wrong? Very confused lol.

What other spec has to wait a global inbetween using an ability like that? literally every other spec in the game can use utility and then kick without ANY delay.

Ya’ll are just appealing to the stone with your arguments saying its not that big of a deal- but again, no other spec in the entire game functions this way besides feral (druids in general have this, but every other spec is alleviated).

They’ve made this change with remove corruptionf or this exact reason, but you all are dismissing it becuase you dont think its a big issue.

You all say im wrong, but are literally confirming im correct- you incur a GCD on forms and have to wait that GCD before you can enter cat and kick.

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You literally ignored everything I said because you’re flat out wrong :slight_smile: it incurs a GCD unless you snap yourself back with TF and/or incarn.

just because you feel it is a minor issue doesn’t mean its not an issue and its the core fundamental problem with things like rebirth pulling us out. They changed remove corruption to be castable in cat form yet yall think its fine for innervate.

Make an actual argument instead of trolling this thread with feelings over facts.

edit: Yes- it feels abysmal to incur a singular GCD when you use a utility spell but want to kick. 100%. Go ask any other spec in the game if they’d be okay with this kind of interaction :smiley:

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Yup…. Just one.
Casting innervate cancels form, triggering the gcd.

That’s it.
One global.
You’re free to kick afterwards.



Wrong again.

Youre hung up on the fact that shifting into cat triggers a gcd. It’s irrelevant, Since kick isn’t on the gcd.

Every spec?

Example: Priests PI…oh no! Causes a global

Again, please read the posts in their entirety instead of cherry picking quotes out of context.

  • Incurring 2 GCDs is if you shift back to form and want to resume rotation (1 GCD waiting to enter cat again, 1 GCD to hit your abilities again for shifting back into form)

  • Incurring 1 GCD if you need to kick (which is not a thing for any other spec in the game)

Again, you’re just wrong on all cases and have no coherent point other than picking a sentence I type and saying that’s wrong- despite me giving the clarifications in the same or earlier post.

I appreciate your interest in this, but you’re just wrong on all accounts. Bliz has changed spells in the past (remove corruption) over this exact same issue. It’s a clunky ineraction no matter how “minor” you think it is.

Please make an actual point on your next response :slight_smile:


Is not:

There ya go.