…title says it all
There is no CD on it for Ele, there is a CD on it for Enh because you can talent into making your Frost shock hit incredibly hard and being able to spam that would be OP since you can often spend 10 maelstrom weapon back to back.
Im wondering if the OP meant the general 1.5 gcd
Ah yeah maybe. That would make sense though I’d make the same argument regarding frost shock, it can’t be off the gcd at least for enhance because of Hailstorm, that’d be too much damage done in 1 global at least in pvp. Hitting a 2mil tempest and in the same global a 1mil frost shock is just too crazy. And I don’t think they’d take it for the gcd for ele or resto if it isn’t for enhance for the sake of consistency.
Flame shock though I could see an argument for especially for Ele and resto. For enhance, voltaic blaze (replaces flame shock) is probably too strong to be off the gcd like that especially now that it works with mastery and I don’t think they’d take flame shock off while keeping voltaic blaze on.