Why does Fiona get a normal voice and other worgen don't?

Fiona is not a normal Worgen. She’s the best Alliance NPC.

Leelinn you can either have this.
Or worgen tails, choose wisely, because only 1 allows a free bonus of headpats and cuddles.

Worgen tails. Besides, any of the cuddles I receive are not because you guys think I’m a dog.

That and the hidden gargle technique.

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i give out cuddles and headpats too creatures with alot of fluffyness and soft furr.

mostly because i like falling sleep easier than laying on a rock.

I have scruffy fur that is crusted with blood. You don’t want to pet that.

I have a hose, soap, and a brush. We can adapt.

You gotta clean it at some point.

/holds up comb


No water! I’m a feral druid, c’mon…

The hose sprays Dwarven ale because it adds volume and softness.

Still liquid. But I would appreciate it if you sprayed that in my mouth, be careful not to get my whiskers.

when you became worgen you signed the contract stating you would have permanent smokers lung for all communication

we all signed it before we wolfed out

maybe next time read the fine print



I only have one eye if you haven’t noticed. Seems like they always put it on the left side…

it also says it magically clears up temporarily if yer human too

Hey now Worgen females have a normal voice. That voice has just been chain smoking for fifty years.

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  1. I have never been 50

  2. The tauren stole all the peacebloom I was gonna smoke


isn’t peacebloom addictive though…?

Yes that’s why they stole it.

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Fair point.

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The worgen npc talking heads in Legion had normal voices.