The map says "Elwynn Forest (1-71). Also all maps show scaling up to level 71. I sent my level 36 there and sure enough she was fighting level 36s instead of the expected level 30s. My level 70 went there expecting to fight some level 70 for some good drops and an end to Low-Level Quests. Instead the highest level she encountered was a level 30.
My level 36 reports even Northshire Valley is full of level 36s.
What gives? Is it (1-30) or (1-71)?
out of chromie, 1-30
in chromie 1-71
and yes, once you hit 70 you get auto taken out of chromie time if you go to a city and can’t go back.
and even though it says 71, the quests are no longer scaled to your level once you hit 70, only monsters and other enemies.
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So my level 36 is in a time walk and has to go back to Chromie to get straighten out?
if you want it to go back to 1-30, yes. talk to chromie again to go back to the “present”.
You can also go back into it as long as you aren’t level 70.
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Good call. Operator error