Why does DPS think they have try to pull mobs off the tank?

I love tanking when I get body pull and I hear shots fire and see AoE on the pack of mobs.

I was running SM with guildies this afternoon and had a steady stream of invite offers for pugs looking for a tank to farm GY and Library.

No thanks. Bad deeps ruined it for the rest of you.


I’ll pull it off every time or die trying. That mob will not get to it’s target. If they get hit then I’m slacking off and that’s my fail. Wait. That’s pulling off the healer. Nevermind, carry on.


Make a whisper macro of “I wont tank no pugs, A pug is a group that cant get no taunts from me, Hanging out in the LFG with a half part trying to holla at me”


i mean it goes 2 ways:
1 is they dont care.
2 is that the tank is geared for survivability and not threat generation.

Imagine someone whose role is to deal damage wanting a meter to measure the rate at which they deal damage.

How dare they.

Incorrect. If you are pulling aggro from the tank, the tank is playing wrong.



Its literally childs play to intentionally pull agro off a tank, any tank. If you want to you can regardless of the skill of that tank.


I encourage you to try, bud. You will not pull aggro off me unless you taunt, and then I’ll literally taunt it back within half a second.

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That isn’t how it works in classic.

One thing that confuses me… tanks don’t use marks like they used to… Like, mark the one you’ll sunder first with a skull. Bind the mark to a key. It will make your life less hectic.

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Are you talking single target? No one is complaining about DPS pulling agro single target… People are complaining about brain dead DPS going HAM with AOE when the tank hasn’t even charged to the target yet or going HAM with AOE when the tank is trying to LOS pull or just going ham on the mooned target rather than the skull marked target ETC.

Tanks get trained out of this by pug DPS early in classic, DPS DPS on whatever they want, you mark a skull its the last thing to die etc. You mark a CC target? ROFLMAO Whats CC? Take the time to put up marks? Well the huntard and the mage decided the dungeon isn’t going fast enough and pulled for you, don’t worry they both pulled different groups and snagged the patrol as well enjoy getting chewed out for your terrible tanking scrub!

Hence no tanks want to pug if they can avoid it.


Kick the crap DPS out and 4 man until you find a new one… DPS are literally begging for spots in groups.

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Most tanks starting out don’t have that kind of confidence, so they try and deal with it until they get so frustrated they refuse to pug or just quit tanking.

I mean that’s how I tank…


Wrong, but if I pull it I will also tank it or drop the threat. I am not waiting until something is half health to start dpsing, and when i do start i intend to drop the hammer most times.

Then again if you cant hold threat and someone like the healer manages to pick up aggro I will pull it off like an off tank.

Yes, it is.

Bad tanks have convinced themselves and others otherwise, though, to hide the fact they are underperforming.

Barring extreme circumstances, e.g. DPS running into four packs of mobs spamming AoE before you’re even around the corner, you should be able to hold aggro if you are playing properly.

It’s rarely needed. Generally the kill order of the targets is inconsequential, and people are AoEing the mobs rather than single-targeting different mobs.

This is obviously not always the case. If you have a rogue, for example, they don’t really have a choice. Their “AoE” is actually just single target doubled onto another mob. They’ll probably pull aggro if they’re going all out, because you’re doing AoE to keep aggro from the Mage. Just turn, Taunt. Problem solved.

Well, actually the OP did not specify.

But, for what it’s worth, the number of targets is irrelevant. If you are doing your job as a tank properly, you will be able to hold aggro.

That is not what was described.

“pull mobs off” implies the tank had aggro to begin with, and the DPS were doing enough DPS to pull aggro off the tank.

I do agree that people ruining LoS pulls are annoying, but that is an entirely different issue, I’d say. It’s easy to tell the DPS “wait until they’re gathered up and you’ll do more DPS.” They’ll listen to that, because that’s what they care about.

Telling a DPS to literally just stand there and do nothing as you fight the mobs is unreasonable, however.

If the DPS are pulling for you, you’re probably going too slow.

Exactly. The “wait until 5 sunders” mentality is extremely outdated.


as a lock, i always let the tank get in some swings before i start going ham with everyone else… top dps means nothing… a smooth overall run means everything… seems like locks could legit just steal aggro whenever if they really wanted lol


I was actually healing on my shaman alt that run, tank slaped the skull and x up so fast I got all warm and fuzzy since he obviously had em macroed, then he starts his gun shot and the two extra special DPS had already pulled two packs and a pat. It was super fun for a minute, luckily the third DPS was a shaman with me and we managed to get it all cleaned up, tho the other two DPS died when the pull was almost done, no idea how that happened I swear. Sadly that tank wasn’t interested in kicking them, so we left.

That has NOT been my experience running with pugs, they will NOT listen to you requesting that they let you LoS pull, they will NOT finish off runners before they pull another pack etc etc. Waiting for 5 sunders? Hell just WAIT until The tank GETS to the freaking mobs and you will be more patient than many MANY dps out there.

TBH I get it WORSE on my shaman when I am healing as he is way behind the curve and can’t get guild groups much.

If the DPS go on the marked targets and don’t front load everything into multiple different targets its cake, sadly dps do not like cake, they do not like DPSing marked targets. So 4 or less mobs, probably can hold threat, 6, sketchy but probably ok, more than that? It is a CF waiting to happen with a pug.

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Every time mage (60) rip aggro from tank - instead of throwing nova and let tank take aggro back - he starts spamming arcane aoe instead. I hate mages so much when i heal 5ppl (and i’m a shadow priest, so healing is slightly harder without proper gear and talents)

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This right here is why I don’t tank PuGs.