Blood Rage. Hit a critter. Use some bombs or Oil of Immolation.
There’s plenty of solutions, man.
Eh. It’s all situational. There’s no set use for the ability. It depends on the circumstances. I personally just use it on cooldown to keep my rage up, and if it comes off cooldown between pulls, I use it to keep my rage high.
If I’m out of rage (or first pull), I obviously wait to use it until I’m in combat.
Actually, they didn’t nerf Battle Shout, and the Demoralizing Shout “nerf” was just a bugfix.
The fix for Battle Shout was causing the threat to be split between the mobs instead of applied as a flat value to all mobs with awareness of the Warrior.
That is to say, it was actually an effective buff to Battle Shout.
It’s actually not temporary. If you have any threat on the threat table, i.e. if you have done anything, taunt will generate threat to put you above the target.
Test this if you want.
Hit a mob with melee once.
Have someone cast a spell on it. Frostbolt, Shadow Bolt, etc.
Taunt the mob.
Once taunt fades, the mob will continue hitting you.
Your problem there is inviting Enhancement Shamans.
I’ve just not seen it being necessary, and that’s not just from my personal experience as a Feral Druid, either, but watching Warriors tanking.
Now if every DPS blasts a different mob with full-on single-target DPS, then you can start blaming the DPS.
My suggestion is to go Arms/Prot. Get Defiance to turn your 1.3x threat modifier into 1.495.
You can use Sweeping Strikes at the start, as well.
The only time I want people to hold back is if you’re moving mobs into position, like during an LoS pull. Beyond that, you just need to be the first one on the threat table and you should be fine.
From there, you just continue generating enough threat to keep aggro.
I understand. That’s why I’m saying you don’t need to worry that much about DPS pulling aggro. Obviously you should strive to hold aggro, but if you lose a mob during an AoE pull because the Mage crit three times in a row with Arcane Explosion, it really doesn’t matter.
Between Taunt, stuns, slows, heals, damage reduction, and the much higher DPS, the damage taken will be very little.
Perhaps. I’m also full BiS for tanking gear and have most of my BiS threat gear.
When leveling, I was the one tanking, so I didn’t have a chance to watch any Warriors tanking, but since hitting 60, I’ve had the opportunity to see lots of other tanks, all of which have been Warriors, and they’ve not had issues.
If the issue is one that is more common at lower levels, I think the concern over losing aggro is even less justified, as the mobs in lower level dungeons are even weaker.
Jumping ahead to answer this, since it’s relevant to this point:
Yeah. That one I totally agree with being the DPS’s fault.
With PUGs, that will always be the case.
Haha. “Pushing their views on everyone else,” as if me discussing things is somehow pushing my views.
At worst you can say I’ve been rude for calling people bad players when they refuse to hold aggro on a mob that a DPS pulls off them.
Maybe I’m just being too logical, but if the job of the tank is to hold aggro and they outright refuse to do so because the damage dealers are doing too much damage, I think I’m justified in calling them bad tanks.
The fact the DPS in my guild groups pull aggro more is because they’re not afraid to do their full DPS, and they know that me not having aggro for a brief second is not going to cause a wipe.
PUG Mage: crits with Frostbolt, pulls aggro
Guild Mage: crits with Frostbolt, pulls aggro
Me: Taunts
PUG Mage: AoEs as fight starts
Guild Mage: AoEs as fight starts
Me: Swipes
Guild Mage: pulls aggro, uses Frost Nova to keep mobs still
Me: Stays in melee so the only one in range is me, generating aggro via Thorns; continues Swiping
I appreciate that you’re willing to discuss things, even if we disagree.
Only playing devil’s advocate for this one, because I agree that DPS running away from the tank is dumb (unless they’re intentionally trying to hold aggro so they can kite the mob).
Exactly why you can hold aggro despite DPS going all out.
Both of those classes are bad for DPS, though. Funny how that works.
I can’t help but laugh at the idea of a Shaman in a dungeon doing 150 DPS and still pulling aggro just because of the way their spells work and thinking “God, I’m so good at this game. Tank can’t even hold aggro on this.”
Then he pops a /flex.
Seriously, though, I understand your point, but all of the DPS complained about in this thread so far (Mages, Warlock, Hunters) do not have massive threat modifiers for their abilities.
Warlock generates the most threat of the three because it doesn’t have a threat reduction, but this is off-set by using DoTs to spread their damage out, which they’ll likely be doing on multi-target fights.
I agree. It’s not never the DPS’s fault.
Exactly. The tank also holds aggro.
Same goes for the tank if they’re not happy that the DPS are doing DPS.
I’m sure if the tank were actually good, that wouldn’t be happening.
Haha. “We,” as if you did anything.
You’re in the same arbitrarily defined generation as a handful of people who made tremendous technological advancements. Congratulations.
Okay, sure. I meant you don’t strip as in you don’t literally just take armor off.
You can also boost it more with Windfury. Your argument in favor of Grace of Air was the armor and dodge that it gave to the DPS in the group.
Not really. The added damage mitigation hardly makes a difference in dungeons, even in the highest level ones available.
There’s never been a situation where I thought “I’d much rather have my mitigation gear on for this.” If anything, more mobs just means more DPS, and thus more threat, to me.
As Fury/Prot, you could easily just put on a shield if your damage taken is too high (which it arguably would be with several packs on you).
I’m not sure why you say that.
Do you think the DPS need to wear their tank gear, too, or something?
They’ll get hit less if the tank holds aggro.
You use very odd terminology.
Alas, the “personal big numbers” is the only way to quantify their performance. It’s very rare, assuming they’re not ninja pulling extra packs and other stupid stuff like that, for higher DPS to destabilize the group.
And again, if the tank holds aggro better, the healer spends less mana having to heal the DPS. Slowing down the entire group just to accommodate a tank that can’t generate enough threat is not worth it.
Have to “med” (I assume you mean drink?) after each pull? Fine. That’s worth killing the mobs in 1/3rd the time because you can actually press your buttons instead of standing around so the tank wearing all of his mitigation gear generates enough rage after several seconds of fighting mobs to press a single Sunder Armor, only to lose aggro anyway because his threat generation is terrible and it doesn’t matter how long they wait when a single crit will pull aggro off him.
But don’t worry, Grace of Air Totem will save the day. Threat is a thing of the past!
How? It’s a chance to hit an extra time. How will one RNG mechanic somehow destabilize the group, but another RNG mechanic (crit chance) won’t?
Cool? Windfury doesn’t benefit Feral at all, so I’m obviously not talking about Feral.
I’m very concerned that a level 30 named Rekttum wants to kick me. /sarcasm
But if it makes you feel better to tell someone that you’d kick them from your group or guild because they have the audacity to suggest that a tank should hold aggro, you go right ahead.
I’ll keep tanking and actually holding aggro. You keep crying on the forums that the DPS are bad because they pull aggro off you.