Why does Coup de Grace feel like Poop de Grace?

Trickster talent Coup de Grace very underwhelming build finisher… Building up to it and you’re like “oh boy this is it! It’s coming!” Then you press it and it’s a not so fatal flourish… It’s like a fart in the wind. You’d think it’d at least chunk health being that it is the capstone of Trickster.


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CDG is trying to be a multistrike eviscerate/dispatch but I think they should remove the separate components of it and streamline it into one solid attack instead.

Keep in mind the Glyph Coupe de Grace increased crit chance of Eviscerate if I recall correctly. That would probably be a better outcome for the ability in all honesty.


:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:

I dunno, if youve got flawless form up, maybe a few stacks of danse, and a few (3-5) targets, ive seen my coup chunk health and put me back on the board between sd charges.

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