Why does community defend pay to win aspects?

Your right, BoE gear, battle pets, all of this is so pay to win we might as well just shut down the AH.

And disable trading.

And you know what? Lets go ahead and disable grouping with non B.net friends because they might be selling runs for gold.

Screw it, lets just get rid of all grouping in the game entirely, because even B.net people can do paid runs.

While we are at it, transmog costs gold, don’t want people paying real world money to look cool, lets go ahead and disable that as well.

And vendors; can’t have mounts on vendors, they’ll just spend token-gold on it. And gear repairs. No vendors.

Lets just shut the game down, only real way to get rid of pay to win.


Curious - mind being more specific?

I’m guessing Iron Starlette?

I’m not saying there aren’t good pets you can obtain in the game, rather than the ones obtained with real money are almost always good, if not OP. See Whomper as a recent example.

If you check out https://www.warcraftpets.com/ they list the top 20 best battle pets.

The top 5 are:

  1. Anubisath Idol
  2. Unborn Val’kyr
  3. Mechanical Pandaren Dragon
  4. Xu-Fu, Cub of Xuen
  5. Emerald Proto Whelp

All of those are obtainable ingame either by capture, achievement, drop or crafting.

I have never purchased a store pet with the notion of using it for pet battling - I think the only one I have is one of the charity pets that I got in support of a good cause.

Method didn’t buy any BOEs. They crafted all their gear and then ran split runs to somewhat circumvent personal loot. Please do not spread misinformation.

I’ll repeat what I said above:

I’m not saying there aren’t good pets you can obtain in the game, rather than the ones obtained with real money are almost always good, if not OP. See Whomper as a recent example.

Also, the list just reinforces what I stated earlier - pet strength is strongly associated with how hard it is to get. Also note that #8 is ragnaros and graves is #11. One is from the store and the other is promotion for a separate game.

To be honest, I think it makes sense, why would they sell a pet that’s bad in battles? However, I dislike people pretending the store pets aren’t traditionally strong to OP.

And yet Whomper doesn’t even make it onto the list. And I could beat Rag with an Iron Starlette easily.

Any pet can be countered by another pet of equal or better strength. I have 854 unique battle pets, the majority of which are Rare quality so I have a pretty good idea of what I speak.

You keep bringing up the same issues when the numbers are an obvious counter. Almost every great battle pet is available free ingame. That’s it, really.


and you’re winning, what? if you consider inflating your Ilv by a couple of levels by purchasing overexpensive gear on the AH that will most likely be replaced by some emissary piece in a few weeks “winning” then… sure.

When you can spend money to purchase a top gear, i mean mythic level gear titanforged to the max, all with sockets and a cutting edge achievement for all tiers, then i’ll say the game is pay to win.

Don’t talk to me as if I don’t Pet Battle and I would have as many as you, if not more, had I remained in Legion. I get everything you are saying, so perhaps you can take a second to understand my point.

Yes, any pet can be countered by any other pet, but that’s not my point. My point is that the pets in the store are never BAD battlers. At worse, they are ok. In contrast, the vast majority of wild pets will be worse than a store pet.

Then virtually every online game is pay to win.

You realize gold sellers were selling gear, gold, levelling services, etc… in classic WoW, and do the same for every major online game. The only games that aren’t ‘pay to win’ due to what players provide are ones that are so small nobody cares.

In the more traditional sense- pay to win means the company themselves are selling items that give a major advantage or allow you to skip massive grinds.

Which Blizz doesn’t do. At most, level boosts might be considered so- but that’s something players have asked for, and considering they put you at a point where you’re inexperienced and ungeared you’re actually at a disadvantage.

Everything being ‘bought’ is player provided- players are the ones selling tokens, carries, gear- Blizz is not, they’re only making it easier to trade.

And you could always buy carries, boe gear, etc…

Again- if we use your version of the word, than anything where people are willing to spend real money to buy things in game- whether it’s through the developer or illegit- is p2w.

Blizz just doesn’t have a game like that- and calling them p2w is the same as saying you’ve never actually played a p2w game.


You’re gonna have to clue me in, since I haven’t seen Whomper’s name in any competitive comps.

Tricky statement since there are 50 billion wild pets, many of them being exact clones, and a handful of store pets. If you frequent the pet battling board or Xu Fu’s website, I think you’d find that the use of store pets isn’t as popular as you seem to believe. They don’t have to be “bad” to be undesirable or to have better alternatives, so when you imply that a cash shop battle pet is P2W, it’s clear your experience in pet battling is limited.


One other thing: would you object to tokens in classic? I would, vehemently. Yet as sajok pointed out yesterday: the more popular classic is, the more likely, or earlier, they’ll put tokens in.

For me, I’m looking to jump into classic solely (no more retail) to get away from the world of micro-transactions and back into a world of social cooperation and grinding, with some good ol rng. Tokens kills that, instantly.

Note that when classic devs were asked 6 direct questions about classic by esfand/tips out, only 4 were answered. One of the unanswered ones: you’re not putting tokens in classic, right?

The hell do micro-transactions have to do with “social cooperation?”

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Oops…Wigglytuff is the new owner of my new favorite broken gnome icon.


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15 dollars a month is a trivial amount to me, however when you put it like $15 for 30 days of play time of a single game it seems like an insane price gouge (on top of the expac every 2 years).

I never visually saw it like that but it is really bad

Listen, you’re just jealous that your weapons aren’t bigger than you are.

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LOL!! Is that a weapon. I assumed it was a shield.

Blizz needs to add Wiggly to the pet store so i can buy with polished pet charms.

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As far as entertainment costs go though it’s pretty reasonable.
For most entertainment activities you choose to do you can expect to pay at least $15 for a couple of hours of value.

Seriously buddy? The two weren’t directly related. Hastily written English on WoW forums doesn’t change that.


the BOE’s on AH only “edge” is to speed up ilevel avg building to hit arathi then darkshore WF faster imo.

I won’t lie. I have bought, when cheap, dark faire trinkets on the AH for this reason. Arathi was up, I needed like 5 points more to hit 320 and my trinkets were still quest gear crap.

Cheapest trinket I could find (wasn’t even for my class…those priced waaaaay too high) and boom! arathi farming time.

Battle pets you have to level up. And its SP content. And its not like the game gives huge bonuses if you happen to be a Pokémon master…Ahh, they have 100 pets to level 25.

You pokemaster get +100 all stats in raid. Shhh, don’t tell those scrubs who don’t have this. Our secret…okay?

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I don’t either. If the boost allowed player to skip the current expac’s leveling content, then Inwould be more inclined to call it pay to win. But even then, I really dont care how many 120s someone has or hownthey got there. They still have to grind the gear, rep, and all the jazz. If they somehow got a competive edge on me, it because they are better than me.