Why does community defend pay to win aspects?

I thought the number one issue with the store right now was that blizzard were trending towards making the coolest mounts in the game store exclusive.

There was some talk about pay to win when the expansion launched, but thats seems to have run it course.


Its the same in call of duty too, some guys would have like some lucky loot box gun with 5 attatchments and id have nothing but the noob shotgun, but considering its 1 shot at close range… you can outplay those prestige master 500 dudes.

Ok look. If you want to equate everything in the game that can be bought with gold as pay-2-win then you’re gonna have a very bad day.

People were already buying gold so that they could buy gear off the AH. They just weren’t buying it from Blizz. Blizz is trying to A) take the clients from those gold sellers and B) keep the not-very-smart clients and their accounts safe.

BoE’s are limited. We can’t even sell gear made with professions. If that’s pay-2-win for you… No one is gonna be able to help you.

What about people paying for carries and getting ALL the gear from that?


This is a D move, and something I’d advocate against.

Thank goodness none of the mounts have been particularly attractive.

I’ve wondered that myself, I used to frequently get into arguments with people trying to tell me buying a level boost isn’t a form of pay to win, because you’re not “winning” anything.

Like, it’s an MMO, you can’t win the game rofl, you can still pay money for in game advantages though (tokens, boosts).

LOL, bye. Good luck in your next “pay to win” experience.

By your standard everything is pay to win.

Still is a great and fun way to level. Always has been.


Thinking Mythic Raiding is the only content that matters therefore who cares about the reward scheme of the rest of the game is a big problem. Most people don’t Mythic raid. Most people don’t WANT to Mythic raid. Yet it’s the only place in the game where effort is rewarded (and it’s not rewarded all that much either, given how close M+ gets to it in the Tuesday box).

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This game literally throws gear at you from all directions.

You have people geared at over 400 ilvls with no idea how to run M keys above a certain level, and can’t get an upgrade otherwise.

That is a real problem.

Edit: I’ve never once implied Mythic is the only content that matter, I’m not even a serious mythic raider by any measure.

Some among the community also defend subs and allied races. Some even support pathfinding interestingly enough

A. Before Blizzard started selling tokens and essentially selling gold for the game, accounts were constantly hacked by gold sellers thanks to people buying gold anyway. It was a much worse time than now.

B. Literally not a problem. The best gear evar is not going to be on the auction house.

Always been possible in the game. Every expansion, base game/vanilla. Scaling made this less of a problem with being too OP, plus you either level out of it or stay queued as a twink forever.

I have every store pet they sell. Literally none of them are required for any pet battle in the game. I use more TCG pets I bought on the auction house and a ton of wild pets I had to go catch. Big ups to my Nexus Whelplings <3

Nothing in the store gives an advantage to win. The only thing that could possibly count would be the race changes for whatever race has a strong racial someone needs. For that I’m going to refer you back to how bad it sucked being stuck with the exact same character for years. I had a friend back then who mained a warlock with a misspelled name because name changes didn’t even exist and it was too high level before she realized.


I don’t think anyone is really discrediting what you are saying. However what we are saying is that Blizzard did not develop this system as a means to get better than average gear.

AH purchases of BoE gear has been around since vanilla, that hasn’t changed. Ever since then people have been using real money transactions to fund some of that gold, in much larger quantities.

The fact that Blizzard has implemented their own system is simply a way to manage an already prevalent issue in a much more manageable way.
It’s still player driven, tokens don’t get sold without buyers, and buyers can’t purchase without sellers.

Having the ability to transfer the in game gold from one player to another does nothing to change the availability of items on the AH. They are all based off real players doing real content and getting real drops.

If anything systems like WF/TF should be blamed for granting the possibility of those drops from content that shouldn’t normally drop them.


you can sell pets?

Don’t quote me on it, but I’m pretty sure the store bought pets are not cageable and thus ultimately not able to be sold.


but can you cage soulbound pets?

You don’t know the meaning of the phrase “pay to win”.


I don’t know about nowadays, but at least some of them used to be unless my memory is hazy. I recall people “buying” like…guardian cubs to sell to effectively “buy gold” long ago.

Yes, a lot of the pets you earn in game, even as soulbound items (such as from raids), can be caged and sold on the AH.

Yeah, people used to buy then dump them for quick gold, I bought 7-8 a few years ago for a few thousand gold each, now they’re 250k+ when they pop up.

Sucks to be them.

Well, you’re wrong. People aren’t upset precisely because they don’t accept that point. Funny how that works.

Buying BoE’s for WoW tokens? Why should the rest of us care if the handful of guilds in the world first mythic race do this? And BoE’s aren’t the reason it’s always those same guilds on the leaderboards every tier. It’s because they put in the hours upon hours upon hours upon hours upon hours wiping and running split raids to get the vast majority of pieces that can’t just be bought off the AH.


When it comes down to the topic of the BoD world first race, whilst individuals in Method may have used WoW Tokens, the guild in general used favours and loans for in game gold. Limit also didn’t spend real money on their transfers before the race, they used guild gold earned through selling runs (a different problem in of itself)