Why does community defend pay to win aspects?

I’m not familiar with the other games so you’re gonna have to explain what some of those mean.

I have however, played a couple of MMOs with distinct P2W aspects, for example, more bag space and more powerful gear.

Edit: I’ve played FFXiV but I’ve never heard of class boost, I stopped playing it quite a while back though.

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While buying out a bunch of 420 's will definitely give you an advantage in finding groups and getting your foot in the door, it doesn’t give you the ability to be a 95-99% parse type of player.


The gear is actually pretty garbage for 110. Yes, if you have just levelled fresh to 110 your gear won’t be as good, but for any character that hit 110 during Legion they will have much better gear available to them.

It’s a bit of a stretch to say that though isn’t it? Firstly anyone who purchased BfA (required to level above 110) automatically gets granted a 110 boost putting everyone on equal footing).
Secondly a lot of people were already at 110 before BfA was available making a 110 boost literally only a catch up if anything as most people were already ahead of the position it left you.

If you are talking about later on in the expansion then it is quite simply irrelevant. Who are you competing against if buy a boost 9 months into an expansion is expected to give you an advantage?


in ffxiv, someone can have multiple classes. so the character doesnt level up but the class. you can buy boosts on their mog shop for around 20 or so bucks and it comes with standard gear. like wow does with its boosts. with bdo, they have a breeding system in the game. you tame, breed and birth horses. you can pay from their shop and boost your horses, quality and skills.

Nor will it give you the IO score or achievements required by most people to get into such groups anyway :joy:


See the above reply for your first point, as to your second point, sure that sounds like p2w to me - but that’s just it, that service does not exist in WoW.


consider what i said just simple education on ffxiv then. they do have boosts.

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I meant Haavi’s reply on why WoW 110 boost isn’t P2W in most people’s eyes.

So honest question. Given the following scenario…
Player 1. Has minimal time to play, but has lots of expendable cash to buy a boost.
Player 2. Has lots of time to play, but can only afford the 15 bucks a month to play. This person can level a character to 110 in 2 days played.

Which one is pay to win?


I don’t care either way, and haven’t read the rest of this thread. But yes it is. You are hypothetically buying the best in game gear, for out of game currencty.

If I see “X gloves of Y Awesome Stats” on the AH, I could go farm for the gold using in game techniques. “B” person could see the same item, buy a token with RL currency, and purchase them right away.

That is literally P2W. By every definition that has been used by the community for years and years across every game where real life currency intruded in to the game’s economy. Forget the semantics of people saying “oh it dosen’t automatically mean you faceroll stuff”


People like to live in their little denial Warcraft bubble and defend Blizz no matter what they do in hopes they might get a cookie.

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I wasn’t aware I can be decked out in full 415s by buying it off the AH.


Plenty of reasons to criticise Blizz, I’ve been vocal about class balance and how ridiculously boring this expac has been so far.

This isn’t one of them. Strange hill to die on.


Semantics and hypothetical, please dont derail with strawmen which I covered in my post please.

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So you pay millions of gold for gear and carries to get gear, and you get accepted conditionally into a good guild. Then you get kicked out because your ilvl didn’t help you play well enough.

What did you win?


Again, it comes down to a difference of opinion.

There’s nothing that isn’t obtainable in game that isn’t on par or better than BoEs.


I guess we agree on the to disagree.

But nothing should be able to be obtained in game, directly with currently from outside of the game.

Pay someone else for a run, sure, but to hand over real life currency, nope.

There are only 2-3 slot for BoE. Mythic guilds won’t let you in just because you show them those. Especially now that titanforged is a thing. And M+ weekly chest giving titanforged like candy.

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Nah, reported you for trolling.


Don’t get me wrong, I do understand your point, but BoE’s have always been a thing.

The introduction of WoW gold tokens might have caused the perception to skew towards P2W, but to me it’s blizzards way of combating gold sellers - and not a shift in direction towards P2W.

I’d quit before this game ever turns into that.