Why does Blizzard hate having pages on the forums these days?

Title… I’m mad :rage:


Pages? Confused.

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I am also confused

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The OP is referring to the infinite scrolling change of the new forum, instead of having posts sorted into discrete pages.

The answer, OP, is because modern web design is terrible and hates everyone who uses it. People trying to make pages look better on phones make them look worse on web broswers, people trying to optimize for browsers mess up the mobile layout, and all around it’s just a mess.


Because they don’t permit uber necros. If you want to retain a thread for reference, bookmark it.

The best part is that the thread was only a couple of months old.

Their definition of a necro is pretty arbitrary.

In my experience their interpretation of any of the rules is arbitrary.

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The answer is clearly FORCE the mobile browsers to adapt to the already long established industry standard of web design that’s 1000X superior than this mobile garbage.


Not going to lie, even on PC I prefer not having to try to sift through pages to find posts. Something on page 26 of 40 usually takes at least 3 clicks to get the page number to even be available to select, which means I have to refresh my page at least 3 additional times versus “ctrl+f” find the post, boom done.

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The scrolling thing would not be so horrible if they did something intellegent with the scroll bar on the side so that when you slide “click and drag” it to the top or bottom that it’s does not get all uppity and attempt to scroll in pseudo pages… LOATH the pitiful lack of quality and attention to detail.

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That is true and kind of annoying. Also vaguely annoying when you get to the last post in a thread and it tells you you’re still 2 from the bottom and have to scroll until you can’t see any posts to finally hit the “last post”

Because its the new thing. I like pages too, but it seems like every website seems to think infinite scrolling is better. I still prefer paging. Especially since this infinite scrolling is implemented backwards on the forums. I would like to see the posts latest first not last…

I am about to offend some one who’s job it is to build this mess, but here’s the cold hard truth… The web page is indeed one of the slightly better ones out there regarding modern web design, but it’s still garbage.

Given you’re stuck between a rock and hard place and this is likely a compromise, you all should find a different way. Given Blizzard’s history of finding a new way to do things, this should be first nature for you guys.