Why does Blizzard hate caster comps?

Dunno I prefer it to melee that constantly zug zug and whenever you have counter pressure they just go pillar.

Agree on melee caster tho. Absolutely should be the norm and cleaves the exception/ only good when played REAAALLY well.

what comp are you playing that isn’t double caster in which this is happening and it isn’t a winning trade for you?

in a melee cleave mirror the game is active from start to finish, a horse race. in a wizard mirror the game has constant breaks and moments of complete downtime. in what universe is the latter more enticing than “zugzug” ?

melee cleave metas are infinitely more tolerable than wizard metas for that exact reason, and im happy that blizzard seems to agree

That’s weird. I just press w at double casters and win with very minimal time on the pillar.

Most double caster players are actually the best melee/caster players in the game (:, It’s actually the double melee monkeys that suck at playing it.

ill bite

i dont mean to be that guy here visions but u kinda play at 2k

face a competent double caster and tell me the game is ending pre deep dampening

too broad of a claim to actually back up - do you really think that at high mmr more often than not the same players would pick an inferior style of play, just cause, if they were capable of something well rounded & more structured ?

Because when wizard cleaves are good, they prevent everyone else from actually playing.

100% this.

No they are not.

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Try to play as a wizard vs a Zug Zug melee mongo cleave, where you can never run away, just be beat and never be able to cast anything but your instant spells, when everyone on the other team has 3 interrupts.


I mean, yeah, having two melee on a single caster can lead to fewer casts, but also usually puts the melee into a weird spot due to their limited range, and are either susceptible to cc, damage from the other caster, leaves their healer unable to avoid cc, whatever.

slands was jsut a very melee friendly expansion. I’m hopeful that Dragonflight with the first hero caster spec will be the caster expansion we wanted.

Oh no a season I don’t play and just acquire the enchant before quitting whatever will I do.

oh wait, I forgot whenever I play more than once a month I’m 3k+ every single time. I mean hell, the one week I played my rogue I was 2900 mmr in a night but hey you do you bro. I’ll keep farming the 3k L$Ps like I’ve been doing.

And yes, literally everyone at high MMR is stubborn with their playstyles. The only ones that flex outside of their comfort zones are the eles and spris. Rarely do other players do anything different, it’s always pick the same strat and go. If it doesn’t work one game? Okay we’ll try hitting the other target with the same strat. It’s been like that forever.

But hey, remember, I’m only playing at 2k on a season I’m really not playing on according to you. After all, I’m training for my future career instead of playing a game 18 hours a day like I used to.

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Like every expansion since Legion.

Edit: That’s it, I am out, if we get another unbalanced expansion where everything melee dominates PvP I will quit wow PvP for good, because this will never change.

ya last xpac didnt happen lmfao


I mean, I wouldn’t say BFA was only double casters. There was pretty strong double melee comps. Now was it more caster dominated? Sure.

It’s much easier to accidently make melee disgustingly strong than it is for casters due to the oppression of 40yard range. No one would be crying about casters if things were 30yards

It was predominantly double caster.
Like how this xpac is predominantly double melee with some strong caster comps.
Crazy how that works right?

are you sure about that lol

Yes. You really underestimate how much of a difference 10 yards means, especially when it’s one that needs to hardcast the entire time.

Like the only problem with casters has always been too tanky with no ability to be punished, take away their range or their tankiness and they start losing presence.

Whereas melee don’t need to worry about range, as long as they can gap close to the target then the damage is all they need. The weakness in melee viability is in defensives related to damage, which generally doesn’t get touched in meaningful ways.

the one caster spec that needs to hard cast the whole time lmao
but also no still wrong

also still no, you would have to take away both
all casters rn are still rlly tanky in their own way

i did not ask

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Frost, Demo, Arcane, Destro, Boomy (with no ap).
That seems to be more than one, and I could even throw in fire or ele if I wanted to be super artificial about what defines hard casting.

And no you don’t. Like I get you have a melee zug brain because you got an expac where you can mongo run at players with no brain, like I queued into you last season and saw how poorly you guys play and change any sort of gameplay. But you do not need to nerf both range and tankiness to hit casters, it’s one or the other.

ALL changes that impact the games viability on damage output is the damage itself. Your tankiness has very little relative impact to it. Sure, a warlock or mage that can roleplay a healer and stand mid map will change that concept, but then I argue that you just nerf their damage instead of the tankiness if balance dictates that they’re too squishy for viability if it gets shut down.

Like idk how this is hard for you to grasp. Play something other than ret/war and then we’ll talk about casters, you bore me with poor game knowledge.


yeah kicking a frost mage lmao
kick frost > cast polly nice meme



ya what i was implying

kicking a boomy cast that isnt clone lmao


you qued into us three times
ur 1-2 into us last season
if u didnt literally have baeruto and lebron on ur team it would be 0-3
please drop the ego with me

im not even advocating for nerfs
ur just insisting that for some reason bfa wasnt a very caster dominant xpac

i play ret hunter mostly this ssn
barely play ret/warr this ssn
can u stop licking door knobs helmet head or is this jessica im talking to?
i understand ur mad i didnt take ur btag request but maybe if u focused on gameplay and not being so cringe i woulda considered it

also bold to talk about game knowledge level mr parry cheap shot

This is not true :joy: I play a million different comps on my toons and double caster is not the easiest. Jungle and melee cleaves substantially easier. Rmp is a bit hard without comms but doable.

Destro sub is harder than those but double caster can be rough to play in some matchups.

Currently ele demo is very overtuned so it’s easier than rmp for example but not ret war.

My highest rating was ret ele disc s1 and that was substantially easier to play than caster cleave.