Why does blizzard constantly lie?

but that was the plan all along, wasn’t it?


Internal class balance is working mostly, but as always in vanilla there will always be a clear winner in terms of dps.

It used to just be rogues and warriors at the top.

Now its others too, its never perfect.

Also, if the motto of the modern wow player wasnt “abuse first, abuse often” then they could have stayed as solo content but they shot themselves in the foot with the combo of delight and non restricted group content.

Maybe. Some of us don’t go back to a place we never were.

I suspect a larger goal was to kill private servers. As long as there are Classic servers, even in a completely screwed state, they take a large population from private servers.

Fresh Everlook was dead in a week. Kronos is irrelevant. Starfall was chinese dominated.

Only thing I can even think of for pservers is Turtle WoW, but they’re completely bogged down by the 1.12 client. Maybe Turtle Unreal Engine has a chance, but I suspect it will get a C&D the very instant it launches.

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They had 3 weeks to review logs from dungeons and 1 week to review logs from World Bosses.

Any bozo on the internet can do tuning changes once you have decent/good data. It’s just a matter of adjusting a set of numbers until you hit a target value.


yeah, blizzard needs more data on just how OP shaman are :expressionless:

They would have been, if everyone and their family wasn’t doing them at the same time.

They PTRd the changes this time. It could have been worse. And aimed shot has always hurt.

Wees lol

You can go to this thread to see the updates you’ve been ignoring. Was just one yesterday

There’s a pre expansion event going on. Don’t you want the free thing before it goes away forever?

If they did, I bet you wouldn’t know since there was lol

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Yo shamans are bottom half DPS in PVE. Ok so we are pretty ok in PVP. Still get beat by locks rogues hunters

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Fixed that for you

SoD only has a few hours of dedicated Dev time a week. They have to split their 3 man dev team between every version of WoW and the upcoming xpacs.


Because they are a publicly traded business and any decision they make is based off of sucking as much money as possible out of the World of Warcraft IP this quarter.

Public companies are not allowed to care about making good games, they just make profit engines for the share holders.

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Wow, the shaman lies are just flat out amazing at this point.

Every corporation constantly lies. It is about the bottom line and what increases the profit the most. That is it. There is no magic desire to please customers if it doesn’t have a profit margin worth the effort.

Yes, it has been two weeks. But only 4 days of 1 week and 2 of another week for raids. Right now if they try to balance of the data, its not much and overcompensate when it comes to balancing. They don’t want to balance off of PVP data because it then screws over PVE. They need to look at both pictures to find a meaningful balance. Patience.

Most people have no idea have to balance a game, so no any bozo couldn’t do it.

They did do some balancing already since the phase dropped. Hunters got nerfed again. You can’t always have your cake and eat it too

“Oh look MM Hunter is doing 10x more damage than every other class. Should we leave it like this for 2 months after we had a PTR or should we do nothing?”

The solution to this is a one-button press.

They can make one-button damage reduction and damage boost changes in about a minute and have it automatically balanced. The problem is they’re not doing ANYTHING and refuse to.

You’re right, that bozo would need to be about to do Algebra I math at a bare minimum 6th grade level.

Adjusting a set of numbers by fractions is soooooo difficult.

Incursions were spammible and soloable. They have buffed and nerfed things tgat needed it. Mc has only been out 2 weeks. And alot of the devs are on ither peojects to. Just be patient. Breathe and dont give your self a heart attack. Evrything will be ok. Woooooo sahhhhhhhh.

They stopped testing things around when they brought out TBC Classic, remember t5 raids both bosses were bugged and they didn’t bother mentioning it til over a week later ?

How did they lie. They nerfed hunters twice already. That’s how they’ve balanced every single phase. They nerf hunters.

Just look at the history. No other class has had more phase by phase nerfs than hunters.

The balance team is really called the Hunter nerf team.

Someone on the classic team REALLY hates hunters.