Why does blizzard constantly lie?

Sick and tired of the constant crap that comes from blizzard when it comes to Season of Discovery.

Phase 3 they say that incursions will be spammable and soloable content, what crap that was.

Phase 4 they say class balancing is coming. Where is it? Hunters hitting instant casts for 2k damage, shamans unkillable and at the same time doing absurb amounts of damage in both PvE and PVP.

It’s been 2 wees now and it’s been near radio silence when it comes to class balancing. I’ve seen so many people go back to retail purely because SoD is turning out to be a massive joke unless you play a busted class.

Like do these people actually have test servers like any normal developer would? I’ve really tried to remain positive for the first three phases because I knew phase 4 and beyond would be the end game but to see things turn into this is actually pathetic and makes me wonder why I bothered wasting my time.

Most things except class balancing have been pretty great but the non existent class balancing ruins it all, for this blizzard deserves nothing but criticism.


Balancing isn’t something that can be done in a day, it takes time.


They’ve had since SOD was released to attempt to balance. It’s not like imrpovements have been made since the, the balancing is non existent. I wouldn’t be putting this post up if they’d actually made attempts to properly class balance but they haven’t. It’s an absolute joke.


It takes infinite time if you’re not actually doing it.


They have already done multiple hot fixes with some balance changes this phase

Because they are a business and any decision they make is based off the Cata/Retail in game shop. Surprise


Could have perfect balance in like an hour lol.


No, no they couldn’t

It’s not that easy unless you want all classes to deal the same damage in exactly 10 seconds.

Does this class get its burst at 3 seconds? Does it get it at 7? Is it sustained pressure? If it is then how is it fair if the other classes get to do all their damage in 10 seconds AND gets burst damage? Now sustained pressure damage has to be higher in 10 seconds than the rest because lack of burst. What about lower uptime classes like ret vs warrior? Should they just deal the same damage in the same window? No, ret bursts, war sustains. Does that mean if ret “sticks to a targeT” like warrior do they deserve higher damage than warriopr because less mobility?

I mean people think “balance” is just tuning everyone near the same numbers when you have specs and playstyles that work way different than one another in pvp. So no, balancing doesnt take an hour.

but that was the plan all along, wasn’t it?


Internal class balance is working mostly, but as always in vanilla there will always be a clear winner in terms of dps.

It used to just be rogues and warriors at the top.

Now its others too, its never perfect.

Also, if the motto of the modern wow player wasnt “abuse first, abuse often” then they could have stayed as solo content but they shot themselves in the foot with the combo of delight and non restricted group content.

Maybe. Some of us don’t go back to a place we never were.

I suspect a larger goal was to kill private servers. As long as there are Classic servers, even in a completely screwed state, they take a large population from private servers.

Fresh Everlook was dead in a week. Kronos is irrelevant. Starfall was chinese dominated.

Only thing I can even think of for pservers is Turtle WoW, but they’re completely bogged down by the 1.12 client. Maybe Turtle Unreal Engine has a chance, but I suspect it will get a C&D the very instant it launches.

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They had 3 weeks to review logs from dungeons and 1 week to review logs from World Bosses.

Any bozo on the internet can do tuning changes once you have decent/good data. It’s just a matter of adjusting a set of numbers until you hit a target value.


yeah, blizzard needs more data on just how OP shaman are :expressionless:

They would have been, if everyone and their family wasn’t doing them at the same time.

They PTRd the changes this time. It could have been worse. And aimed shot has always hurt.

Wees lol

You can go to this thread to see the updates you’ve been ignoring. Was just one yesterday

There’s a pre expansion event going on. Don’t you want the free thing before it goes away forever?

If they did, I bet you wouldn’t know since there was lol

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Yo shamans are bottom half DPS in PVE. Ok so we are pretty ok in PVP. Still get beat by locks rogues hunters

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Fixed that for you

SoD only has a few hours of dedicated Dev time a week. They have to split their 3 man dev team between every version of WoW and the upcoming xpacs.


Because they are a publicly traded business and any decision they make is based off of sucking as much money as possible out of the World of Warcraft IP this quarter.

Public companies are not allowed to care about making good games, they just make profit engines for the share holders.

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Wow, the shaman lies are just flat out amazing at this point.