Why does blizz hate living bomb so much?

Why in the world would they get rid of the living bomb proc here? It’s such a cool looking spell and being able to see that and meteor have made playing frost mage an actual treat. Combined with how it’s so bad in fire that it’s not taken I’m left genuinely wondering who in the office wants to make sure this spell is never seen.

Because it’s essentially impossible to balance in this form. As much as I love Living Bomb, I think this might have been the better call.

Impossible to balance? They’ve already shackled the spell so it only spreads to a limited number of targets, which is fine! I would gladly have it always be useful in aoe by having it do respectable damage even at 5 targets rather than it being a gimmick that pops off at 20 targets. For some reason they’ve decided to give it no potential and low base damage AND cut it out of frostfire entirely. It’s really a shame because it’s such a cool looking spell and I want to actually see it so bad.