Why does anyone get butthurt over tanking as a service

That’s how they are getting paid in some cases, usually either a flat fee or people pass unwanted loot to the tank.

Yeah, That is fine I have just seen some cases on my server where they want both especially hordeside where tanks are in very short supply.

if a tank really wants to rake in the money, he just has to say “i’ll tank for you if i get all the greens” enchanting mats are going to be sky high when bwl comes out and everyone is replacing gear again.

Whats the going rate to tank dungeons? Asking for a friend.

The difference is that dps and healers are a dime a dozen. If i list a group as needing 3dps / 1heals, I will have 7-10 dps players spam me to fill the spots instantly and 3-4 healers.

If i list a group as LF1M needing a tank, I can wait for upwards of 45 minutes with the group dissolving before actually getting one.

That is why dps and heals cant get away with charging for their time to group with you.

Its the same reason why the Army has a signing bonus of 5k dollars for infantry and no signing bonus for computer related assignments. Once you are actively in the army, you get the same benefits as everyone else, but without the incentive to join …certain roles wouldnt get filled with the amount of people they need.

25g a run is my minimum charge

Cause apparently the majority of the community as a collective just said “screw tanks” and while at the same time wondering why there is a tank shortage. /sarcasm

I don’t know why people are mad at that either. You can make any thing you a job to do to get money off. If people want to charge for tanking, that’s fine. If i don’t like it, i go look some place else. Theirs always people who is gonna do it for free and theirs always people who is gonna do it for not free. This is a Community driven game after all with Blizzard doing nothing to hamper your freedom online just like they did with Retail WoW, is it not?

“But what if Healers started charging for their heals? What if DPS started charging for their DPS? what if People started charging for getting into Groups?! :scream:

Refer to my above point. :point_up:


You already have that, it’s called Taxes.

tanks get boned in classic. they cant pvp, they cant solo farm, they really cant do anything to help themselves other then carry a damn flag. you better be paying your tank in gold or prio on anything he/she wants.


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Again though- a hunter selling a tribute run is doing literally all the work, AND has also gotten the lucky RNG and has the item you want- saving you potentially hours.

As a tank, unless you tell the dps/healer to just stand back and watch, you’re not doing all the work.

But- you’re not going to convince anyone on this, either tanks to stop selling runs, or others to mock them for it. At the end of the day, you’re telling the 4 other members of the party that you don’t need them and you are more valuable then they are- again, that’s your choice, but you really shouldn’t be surprised that if you treat others a certain way, they return the favour.

Now, if you’re actually carrying the group that’s different- but if you’re expecting to be paid, you should be expecting the others in the group to afk and /follow.

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Tanks also get gear funneled to them by their guild for the entire xpac. You’re first in line for basically everything you need, period.

You also can get a group instantly. It’s different when it’s a guild tank, and a pug tank though. A guild tank says they need preBIS from a dungeon, and chances are pretty good they can get people that don’t need gear there to help them get it. A guild tank wants to do strat live for orbs, maybe the guild’ll let them reserve- even if not, you’re going to end up with a run fairly easily even if dps have better ways to farm.

And that’s the other thing about making people pay for runs. DPS tend to have their best farms solo, while tanks/healers need dungeon groups. If you want to do fast dungeons- you’re already trying to convince dps to stop their more lucrative farm where they don’t share drops, but now you’re also charging them.

If you want to sell runs, go ahead, just don’t be surprised if nobody’s biting- and if people are still buying them, why are you here complaining about it?

I have no issue with a tank selling services.

But I will laugh at them. And I will add them to ignore if they get spammy.

When I state a conditional, and you say “This is wrong, but actually, it’s right”, it doesn’t look good for your reading comprehension.

Agreed, and I will never use one. Or heal a run with reserves.

there is a shortage of tanks after all. so much money to be made. 10-20g. power farm for a item for a lowbie 10g for runs till it drops. very profitable ngl

Hmm. I should become a ganker for hire. Give me a player name and I’ll track them down anywhere in Azeroth and grief them for 1 hour.

GM rogue in our guild in vanilla did this

Most tanks that charge dont need or want the loot and get nothing for the run. That is the reason they charge.

Who is freaking out and getting angry?

I personally never cared for these services or bothered taking their offers but i am genuinely curious what these people are like.

My only encounter was some guy who wanted us to pay 5 gold each to a DPS he wanted to invite. And sperged out when i told everyone not to pay him.

Our server discord has a bounty board where you can put out hits on players.

It kind of loses the appeal to me if they can just look up who paid to have them killed. I think you could make more money by it being discrete.