Why does Aggrend hate feral

Feral is terrible to play it isnt fun. you are just making it worse to play… rotation is insane power shifting SUCKS for the moving bosses… then you have the utility class of shaman top dmg and a BLAST to play… PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE FIX Feral and We have made many posts about how to do that yet you refuse to listen…


What does power shifting have to do with a boss that is moving?

when you have to constantly be watching CD’s cause unlike everyother class you have 6 buttons you have to push and then you have to be behind the boss for shred and trying to position yourself its just cancer


You should try out the new survival hunter dish they cooked. It’s the same problem.

So what you’re saying is you can’t keep your eye on a couple CDs and move at the same time.

Skill issue.

Not a great argument given that classic is about 1-2 button classes.


yeah but why is feral such a huge skill requirment yet TERRIBLE DPS… that is what im saying shouldnt need to be full sweat 100% of the time and be doing terrible dmg… that is the exact problem Enh is like 3 buttons if you macro your totems and BAM top dmg and they are a support class same as feral if not more.


?? Sod is retail sir, what are you talking about?

its classic + that is why all classes have a 2-3 rotation while feral is 6+ easy

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:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

its worse than hate, feral just isnt even on the radar.

Yea Feral seems like a nightmare to play, I don’t know why the dev team is so obssessed with forcing these weird playstyles and convoluted rotations into the classic wow framework, which famously had extremely simple rotations. They’ve shoved seal-twisting into the game, now they are trying to make hunters melee-weave too.

Its so frustrating because melee hunter was actually a case of Blizzard succeeding in creating an new playstyle that was played like a typical classic rotation, but with just a little bit more complexity to make it engaging too. It was fun because it was so simple !

Classic raids are easy af, especially in SoD, why go the retail route of making players use addons and jump through hoops to play their class rotation in a raid ?

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Just saw some ferals pulling 2600 dps
I don’t know where your getting terrible dps

I’d love it if they just deleted savage roar and bake in the 30% into our spells tbh.


lol must have got perfect lucky procs and get that man some deoderant cause he is easily a sweat lord to hit those numbers.

It was 2 Druids in the same raid 2500 dps and 2600. They had world buffs

It’s not that Aggrend hates ferals so much as it is the people in charge of class balance are super duper omega ultra bad at their jobs and have no clue whatsoever what they are doing

Rogues popping off 3000 dps same with ranged hunters. Ferals following close
Behind. Casters in the dumpster as usual.

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This is a world buff issue. And will continue to be one until they remove it. They won’t remove world buffs so they will keep buffing the base power of casters. And I will come to your bgs as ele where you clearly won’t have world buffs and annihilate every melee in the lobby


Play something else? Mages got the short end the stick almost for all of SoD. But heck, it’s the class i enjoy the most. Even if they nerfed AoE dungeon farming.