Why doen't Heart Strike just hit 5 targets?

You still couldn’t take it outside of leveling.

im night fae, i liked them best for asthetics and deaths due not only lets me hit 3 additional enemies with heartstrike but also in doing so debuffs their damage against me while boosting my strength against them, i have zero patience for meta builders so dont bother replying to this if ur just going to criticize me for my choices… i’ll just ignore you.

also the last soulbind gives the ability to turn your soulshape into a warriors charge and seeing as dk are slow normally i found that as a useful thing.

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I got no beef about choosing night fae because of its abilities. They are pretty good.

I do have a beef with this

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Glad that I’m not the only one who picked Night Fae over aesthetic choices. Although I have 4 Death Knights, one for each covenant, and suffice to say… While Necrolord is the most meta, it’s the Necrolord that I play the least. In contrast, while Death’s Due is the least chosen, it’s the Night Fae that I play the most.

I tried making the covenant ability work with its covenant legendary shenanigans and the end result was… It’s just not worth choosing.

Initially I like the idea of Death’s Due and the amount of stacks you need to take fully advantage of it was clearly designed for the ability to apply the debuff through ticks. I don’t know what on earth were they thinking when they changed it to only applying it through Heart Strike, Scourge Strike or god-forbid Obliterate.

YOU’D THINK that it’d be a solid covenant for Frost DK, right? NOPE. Death’s Due is basically a crappy Havoc that costs a Soul Shard that will only work for ONE ability in a covenant slot… While Slappy Hands, has 4 times as much of a cooldown, blows Death’s Due value out of the proportion and it is now considered a requirement for effectively killing Dormazain.


I went NF when the xpac released… I love the oblit cleave…so much fun! and soulshape is a really nice bit of mobility for a slow class.
my only issue is that in ST it is really poor. If they either lowed the CD of deaths due or increased the duration of the str buff so it had more up time it might be more competitive. But it felt so bad stepping into raid after blasting in m+

i like fae as redemption ark for my characters rp, being both a wolfer and undead she contends with being constantly angry for eternity, fae zone is like a zen zone that offers peace and tranquility… the abilities are really just a bonus to that for me…

I like DnD enhancing Heart Strike for AoE, my issue is Crimson scourge proccing for near full uptime on it to pad the ST rotation.

I would rather Crimson Scourge Reset Blood Boil CD, make BB generate RP, and DnD just being an impactful AoE tool.

Or a damage cooldown like the other tanks perhaps

DRW is defensive but does offer throughput. I haven’t checked to see if it duplicates the dnd aoe cleave or not when in DnD. If not that could be an option for us to give us a little more burst.

Personally I’d like to see some more damage dumped into blood boil. It’s free from our mitigation rune/RP cycle so it’s easier to weave in when you need threat.

DnD is becoming mechanically bloated (it’s targetable unlike consecration, it sets up our cleave, it’s our best snare when talented, it’s the NF covenant ability with all that it entails there, procs for more DnD, it heals you based on bone shield stacks if talented). That’s a ton of synergy in one ability, if that’s the glue to our kit then we should look elsewhere for damage.

Not sure if any other tank class has to juggle as many resources as we do. Runes, RP, and bone shield stacks are 3 different mechanics and honestly marrowrend feels awful to press. It’s ST, low damage, and rune hungry. Maybe an AP bump (or mastery?) for # of stacks could be an option. Passively ramp our damage by 1% per charge?

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If I could remove boneshield and marrowrend from the game I would.

I agree. It’s a pain to track that with everything else. They should get rid of it and bake it into something else.

All of it just equates to feeling like I need to hit two buttons at once. Having all the codependent abilities doesn’t help, because part of the kit is reliant on the rest. Fail to maintain stacks or pool RP, get wrecked.

*I really want to HS to maintain threat and generate lots of RP but I need to MR to maintain stacks.
*I really want to pool RP to bone storm to buy healer a minute but I have to DS now or risk dying.
*I want to drop dnd to kite, but I don’t enough threat but my face is getting chewed off.
*wtf is this rune tap ability again?
*is this magic damage, can I AMS this?
*can I stun this? Is interupt on cd? Can I grip to soft interupt this?

So many constant questions when you’re tanking it’s just like…oof.

I kinda like that part of it. It’s about feel and reaction instead of having a flowchart. It does require maybe a bit more knowledge from pull to pull than, say, guardian, but I feel like that is overshadowed by how strong it can be when played right. Like, if I’m not getting literally one shot, I’m immortal. I feel so dependent as other tanks on the healer, but DK has SO much control, I love it.

I do agree with you, and it’s why I love the spec too. I feel like I have a ton of agency and if I want to pull big I can handle that pull from start to finish, often times without any external heals, if I line my mitigation and CDs up well enough.

It’s not an easy kit for newer tanks though, and I can’t defend some of the complexity as deep game play. Also, given the risk/reward spending and timing nature of our kit I would like to see some more damage.

Several xpacs back there was a blue post about more involved and harder specs should have a higher ceiling in their role. Higher risk, higher reward kinda thought. I feel like we put in a ton of work as blood or frost in our respective roles and don’t get compensated for it.

I agree on the damage, but I think resiliency wise, we’re one of the top tier defensively. I feel like if they were to strip cooldowns away in favor of more passive mitigation, I personally would enjoy the spec less.

I do love my BDK, but it does often feel like a “win more” spec. If I am over geared the content is almost a joke, conversely if I am under geared it’s an extreme uphill battle way harder than the rest. I still like it better than Prot warrior by a mile atm though.

Frost however needs to feel more like arms for me to begin enjoying it again. I hate it’s current death by a thousand cuts play style.

Agree with you you on the thousand cuts thing. Unholy already does small steady damage for the most part. I know both specs have burst, but I always imagined frost as having huge slower hits. Not dual wielding

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Seems like if you just let frost mog dW and kept it a 2h spec we wouldn’t have had this weird subspec issue we have with it. Like we already get to with the legion artifact, just go one step further.

Anyway, back to topic I would actually like to see heart strike cleave anything in range instead of just 5 targets. Just cap damage at 5 targets worth and spread it amongst the group. Would help for larger pulls and keeping threat.

Tab targeting to see which of the 6 mobs is getting hit by everyone and balance threat is annoying.

Frost has always been a DW spec with a 2h subspec or “option”.

There are issues with mogging DW over a 2h weapon, the offhand does nothing.

Does the volume of numbers matter? Like, if If I’m mitigating someone it’s one button press so one damage number is fine? Why should frost a attacks be different. Give us the animation and combine the numbers anyway.

Would another runeforge help if we could DW as blood? Wonder what next best would be if that were the case.