Is there any lore reason for Zandalari Trolls standing upright?
I’m guessing they’re also shorter too considering Darkspear Trolls are tall as hell when they briefly stand upright to stretch out the cartiledge
I know Jungle Trolls look diff too but they’re still hunched, just beefy biceps
If I didn’t know better, it looks like Zandalari Trolls were the inbetween of evolution between Trolls & Night Elves
But Night Elves evolved from Dark Trolls, and I think they were hunched too
Easy, because Zandalari love looking down on others and don’t care about seeing people eye to eye.
I’m wondering if it’s a nutrition thing tbh
Zandalari had a rich empire with i’m assuming to be more access to food and overall nutrition in comparison to other Troll tribes
They’re the most evolved and peak troll race.
No, just holier, richer, more up there on their high dino.
It blew my mind when I first learned darkspear trolls were not hunched but rather lowered their posture out of respect for other short horde races. Something about wanting to talk to their fellow horde members eye to eye.
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Does there need to be? Are there lore reasons why Orcs, Undead, and Trolls are all hunchbacks?
There’s parallels to IRL Human evolution from hunchback to standing upright and the difference between hunchback Trolls & upright Zandalari Trolls and I find it interesting and wanted to chat aboot it
Evolutionary Biology is cool, I lost my mind as a kid when I learned my Blood Elf’s ancestors were Trolls
In the lore Zandalari are taller than the other subgroups.
In game darkspear male trolls are the same height/slightly taller than zandalari male.
This is about the same height or just below that of male tauren.
Male tauren is pretty much the limit for height of playable characters because it will interfere with doors etc if they are taller than that, tauren players probably have a few that come to mind.
Both troll and tauren are taller in lore than they are in game. But they are scaled down in game for gameplay reasons.
In lore it’s pretty much this.
No, quite the opposite actually. Average Darkspear height (and all jungle troll height) is 7’5". Zandalari trolls stand around the ten foot mark.
Did you know that if a Troll take a bath in a Moonwell, they come out as Elves?
Scary stuff eh?
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