Why do you think they changed the Sin'dorei?

Do the devs seemingly have a long term plan for anything?


Exactly my point. They were able to forgive the Orcs and Trolls that had actually slaughter them. Of course they would forgive the Kirin’tor. Even after Jaina killed a couple, it’s way less than were killed in the Troll wars.


If anything it’s the trolls that should be forgiving in that case.

The Troll wars was literally just the Trolls defending themselves from colonization and losing.


Indeed. The point being that there was way more bloodshed and animosity(that the blood elves and darkspear/zandalari overcame) on both sides during the Troll wars than the smaller conflicts between Elves and the Alliance races. Velen, an Alliance leader, literally saved the entire race.


The Bronzebeards didnt know and the dwarves were barely treated better then the blood elves.

There is nothing to suggest they begged the blood elves. However the Nexus War was going to threaten anyone who used magic, blood elves and humans alike.

As for the second, considering the Sunreaver did betray Dalaran in Legion, AGAIN, Jaina was pretty warranted in her refusal to work with them. If not for the mage player Dalaran would have been destroyed.


Weren’t those Forest Trolls?

Most of them declared War on the High Elves during the Troll Wars.

The Jungle Trolls were fighting Stormwind Humans not the High Elves.

As for the Orcs killing High Elves: They didn’t even get through the shield! They were pretty much just fighting Farstriders!

The Blood Elf Nobles were outright almost Genocided by Garithos while the Orcs smacked into a Shield after killing the guards guarding it!

Zandalari are the ones who overcame animosity towards the Blood Elves.

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There are villages outside Silvermoon proper. Lirath, a Windrunner who was clearly not a fighter was killed by the orcs(along with several aunts, uncles and cousins and I doubt all of them were fighters).

The Silvermoon elves wouldn’t have been able to stop the orcs if not for the Alliance. An Alliance they left the moment it was convenient for them.


The Horde had allied with the Amani and had pushed all the way to Silvermoon. Gul’dan and Cho’gall were actively studying the Elven runestones and the only reason they didn’t eventually break through is because the Alliance came to Quel’thalases aid, and incidentally when they did so it was the opening that Doomhammer needed to attack Capital City via Alterac.

The Alliance actually came very close to losing Lordaeron to the Horde because they aided the Elves, something that Terenas reminded Anasterian of after the war but Anasterian didn’t care because the truth is that historically, the token jerk faction in the Alliance was Quel’thalas.

It’s because of this that Garithos came to harbor anti-elf sentiments in the first place. His town was destroyed and his family murdered by the Orcs because he and the rest of the garrison had been diverted to relieve Quel’thalas and weren’t there to defend the town. Quel’thalases lack of gratitude following the war almost certainly did a lot to cement the prejudice as well.

The truth is that Quel’thalases conduct during and following the Second War was appalling, being equal parts opportunistic and outright craven. This is another element of the RTS games that has apparently been lost to time in the minds of the community, because Quel’thalas has never really confronted that disgraceful chapter of their history and given their current and indefinite affiliation with the Horde, they probably never will.


I remember when they were announced and the forums were set aflame with Horde players whining about them how they did not fit in the “lore”, how they are too “pretty”, too “small” and so on. Now so many years later they are the most played race in the game


Just milking us for more money, oh oh and the cash shop is their long term plan


It is difficult for me to to attempt to pretend I can know Blizzard’s exact philosophy as it evolved over time. With that said, Blizzard sometimes says they have a few long term plans slowly coming together and being released. It could be that the Sindorei were intended to be edgy dark sadistic elves when released, and later have a portion that becomes more disciplined and closer to the Light by the time WotLK came around. So the Horde could have Blood Elf Pallies like Liadrin that wouldn’t rival the Death Knights as far as edge. Then again, Blizzard changes things on a whim.

But I am pretty OK with the Blood Elves situation. I mean, they had it bad, and they remain in great peril, but they are in a decent position. They have access to every class except Druids and Shaman, and that is fine. It lets the Trolls and Cows have something to do.

The Forsaken have it pretty bad. They have been demolished, ignored, without even a gesture at renewal, and they are having characters with surnames like Menethil and Proudmoore crammed into their roster. Characters who have closer ties to the current Alliance leadership than anyone in the Horde, much less the Forsaken.

Even the Vulpera being ignored is better than what little “attention” the Devs decided to give the Forsaken. The brief Goblin story advancement of BfA that led to a conclusive new leader being proclaimed was at least positive change that didn’t conflict with their ethos as a people. But the Forsaken have it really bad. With the Forsaken in mind, it is hard for me to complain about the situation the Sindorei are in. It is pretty good. Maybe too good… which makes me think we will have another calamity in Quelthalas.


I mean, I’d say you pretty said everything already.

It was a decision that was driven by the lore. All our edgelordyness was tied to our loss of the Sunwell. Once we got the Sunwell back, it wouldn’t make a ton of sense for us to continue being edgelordy.

Now, I’m not thrilled with that change, but I understand it.

And I still hold out hope the San’layn will someday be an AR that gives us back our edgelordy Horde BEs.


Agreed, a rather silly excuse from blizzard.
But, propaganda… I guess.

It was the chemicals in Eversong waters, spilled by the Alliance which turned the Blood Elves’ frigging eyes green.

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Twillight vampires.


It would be a better explanation…as the explanation we currently get

Hey, leave the void alone!

I’ve always felt the cleansing of the Sunwell came too soon. Instead, if it was my choice, I would have had the entire cleansing/Sunwell raid happen during Wrath.

It was Arthas who invaded Quel’thelas and forced the Blood Elves to destroy the Sunwell after he resurrected Kel’thuzad. As we know, Kil’jaedan helped to create the first Lich King which led to Arthas’s downfall.

So, instead of having a silly Argent Tournament (which never made sense to me in the first place), we have the Sunwell Raid/Isle stuff happening instead, Scourge instead of Burning Legion. Though, I suppose you could have a mix of BL/Scourge with Kil’jaedan as the end boss. Something similar to the Battle of Mt Hyjal.

It’s one giant middle finger to Arthas as the Sunwell is restored. It’s a circle and better, imo, from a story point of view.

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Why does every thread in the lore forums seem to devolve into an argument about elves?

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Well, this one was about one of the elves from the beginning.

But the WoW playerbase is obsessed with elves, as you may have noticed. Four kinds of elves are playable, and people still want more elves.


Okay, fair enough. I guess it’s just weird how there seems to be a back and forth about which faction the elves should have been in, meanwhile I’m over here wishing they had been in their own factions separate from the Horde and Alliance - and possibly not even playable factions at that.

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